They sometimes lay eggs on food they land on
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Danez · M
Just add bacon with those eggs and you've got a full breakfast 😋
@DanGerUs: 😂 omg
Danez · M
@Poptartinvasion: hehe 😂
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Yes. I once saw a documentary on how houseflies actually eat and the fact that they vomit on whatever they eat is beyond disgusting.

i keep eating, and if the fly is small enough i eat that too
Danez · M
That's a shame you don't want them because they are probably really good if they attracted a fly
wintziee · F
But flies are attracted to anything and everything
Danez · M
@MsFuzzWuzzOreoCat: that's true. Throw them out and east some pop tarts instead.

I ate trash at some point in my life, so I really don't care if a fly sits on my food.
UreBesFrend · M
Just cut the section off he pooped on and continue, or microwave it after, that will kill everything.