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Do you not tip?

Do people who don't tip when they order delivery or eat out know they aren't going to tip before they decide where to eat? Or is it based on service?
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exexec · 70-79, C
20% at least. More for exceptional service or if my wife likes the waiter.
Always tip. If you cannot afford to, don’t eat out or order delivery.
@silverskyline I work for tips too. I always tip. It amazes me how many people have exact change waiting when I get there
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
Uh... Generally I do tip but............ Recently I've LITERALLY gone hungry for days on end so... Eh.. Can't spare that expense...... coollifestory.jpeg ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ •ʔ/
Selah ·
I think some people just dont tip as a personal policy.

I tip based on how generous im feeling.
I dont feel comfortable assessing people's service to determine their tip. Its just not that big enough of a deal to me to make someone tap dance for $10.
NCCindy · 36-40, F
Totally based on service.

My tips in the last few months have varied from ZERO to 50%
monte3 · 70-79, M
I actually tip for normal service and very well for exceptional service.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I always tip well for good service.
I start at $5 and then adjust for service from there. The most I've topped is $10 and I gave a $0 to a waitress that I found her hair in my food and when I pointed it out she gave me attitude. However I asked to see the cook and tipped her $5
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I tip well for even OK service. If I give you 15% I might as well be flipping you off.
I just ordered pizza. It was $24.89. Guy got here faster than I expected while I was washing a few dishes. I told my friend there is $30 on the table, give him all of it. I heard him say "just $5 back, you can keep the change." I asked him wtf, and with the pizza guy still digging for a $5 my friend said "F*ck this guy. He gets a paycheck." That got me wondering if people like him know they are not going to tip before they even pick up the phone. Btw I told the pizza guy to keep it.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@Bobby1123422 smart. TIPS stands for To Insure Prompt Service. LoL Staff remember bad tippers and do not rush to serve them.
redredred · M
I tip 20% unless the service really sucks

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