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Favourite spices?

What are some spices or herbs you add to your food regularly?
I must say White pepper works absolutely wonderful for me,so does Oregano,Basil and Cinnamon.What about you?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M Best Comment
I use a wide variety of spices depending on what I am making.

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Fresh is always best
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper as well

Garlic, sage, onion, basil, sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

Just a bit of orange juice in the egg whites. Otherwise orange zest with the other spices

Curry spiced dishes
Lemon grass
Ground mustard seed
Garlic and onion powder
Just a smidgen of star anise

Italian sauces

*** Fresh***
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@DeWayfarer Wow. Thank you for the BA! 😊
SacredVibes · 100+, F
@DeWayfarer I liked how you wrote everything in such an orderly fashion.Cheers! 😃

Cinnamon, cloves, pepper, cumin, turmeric, chilli pwd, coriander powder...etc...etc ...
@KA9ha favorite! Ty! ☺️💙
SacredVibes · 100+, F
@KA9ha What's 'ravishingly' hungry? 😃
Ravishing is usually used wrt a person. @KA9ha
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KA9ha · 31-35, M
ohhh when i cook ,I use the powdered fennel , cummins ,coriander ,aesefotida ,turmeric and fenugreek,,, Bit of oliveoil to fry the onionchops and chilly powder apart from currey leaves
Turmeric, garlic, basil, cumin. Then too, it depends on the dish being made.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
Garlic powder and sometimes that yellow chicken base powder
Byron8by7 · M
Curry powder, lemon pepper, tarragon, Kosher salt
Black pepper, oregano, cloves, cinnamon,star anise
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Cardamom, Oregano, Basil, black pepper, nutmeg and ginger
CluckNorris · 100+, T
That’s the Cournels secret with my spices 😉
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Red pepper flakes and garlic powder.
StellaBlue · F
Curry, cumin, a bit of salt.
I love cumin in eggs
Montanaman · M
Garlic. 😋
File, cumin, garlic powder, chili powder...

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