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If it turned out that vegetables were unhealthy would you stop eating them?

BlueVeins · 22-25
I believe that would require me to start eating them in the first place.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
probably, why would I eat unhealthy food? that would make no sense. That's why I don't eat fast food, industrial packaged foods, and hardly ever eat sugar.
@reflectingmonkey nah, I don’t think you’re suffering, I wish I could be like that. Just think you could do with toning down the snobbishness
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@reflectingmonkey I don't eat fast food if I can help it either. I grew up on a farm and grow most of my own food now. I don't like the chemical taste of packaged food either. I eat very well without all the store bought things. One thing I do enjoy however is potato chips. I am trying to get away from them in favor of making my own sweet potato fries or dehydrated beans etc.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@Fungirlmmm wow, I would sooo love to be able to grow my own food, I used to grow my own lettuce and tomatoes on my balcony, in the city, but the squirrels kept going at it. in moderation its ok to eat an occasional bag of chips, I also like the taste of chips but I just never buy them, my parents have some at their home so I raid theirs when I go visit. I find that the problem with fat and sweet foods is that they are addictive and as with anything addictive , they rob us of the natural sense of enjoying healthy habits so they must be used with caution. like if you eat sweets and fat all the time then suddenly vegetables seem less appealing, its the exact same effect that abusing of drugs does, suddenly healthy things like exercise, relationships and pursuing your dreams seem less interesting.
daisymay · 51-55, T
You can have my potatoes when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.
@daisymay caring about potatoes is the leading cause of cold dead hands
daisymay · 51-55, T
@AndrewtheAlu Symbiosis FTW!
FerventT · F
I mean we eat other crap... but then what would be healthy?
No, I love my veggies.
@GingerPeach vegetables are the leading cause of cancer

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