Technically, the burger is just a specific kind of sandwich. It's a sandwich. It was always a sandwich. Although if you've got sandwich bread, a burger patty, and some cheese, I guess it's a patty melt.

I believe that's called a melt sandwich.
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LifeisReal · 31-35, M
@Konflicted Replayed the full game on an emulator recently too. Surprised by how easy it actually was.
Goralski · 56-60, M
It would be a sandwich if d pattie was sliced .. problem solved

There's a specifically designed burger bun, for beef burger, to make a beef burger sandwich. (Wtf a patty is, i have no idea). We get patties from the fish n chip shop!

@LifeisReal that's a burger, as in hamburger not a patty! Predominantly beef rarely ham, sometimes fish and chicken, could be veggies. So where is this patty thing?
LifeisReal · 31-35, M
@SW-User I called it a burger patty anyway, so no one would be confused. Unless I make another poll asking if people call this meat a burger or patty.... >.>

@LifeisReal so do you call it a chicken patty, fish patty etc.?
You could make another poll, although consensus is often incorrect and would prove nothing.
You could make another poll, although consensus is often incorrect and would prove nothing.