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If you won a billion dollar’s

Would you use Hundo’s to clean your butt after going to the bathroom?

Would you use shfifties to light cigars cuz it would drive others absolutely mental to watch?

If you were a billionazillionare would you be booooored so you’d host super fuqed up exclusive parties in entire hotels where anything you wanted was possible and invite equally as filthy rich people like you?
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AuRevoir · 36-40, M
I’d just work on big projects and employ people.. and I’d own 3 middle class homes.. to travel to.. cuz travel would be a more realistic thing.. and I would prefer to be a “billionaire” based off yearly acquired income.. not stagnating the economy by not allowing the flux of money to flow by damming it up worthlessly in a bank account.. more employs, more business.. no point hoarding cash.. 20 mil in emergency funds if it all goes belly up..
Lilymoon · F
Yes. 😀 💰
Rokasu · 36-40, M
I'd buy all the anime pillows.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
I'd buy everyone vip
@SkeetSkeet I need VIP 🥹
I’d give it all away. Feed people, restore homes for homeless, buy land just so it couldn’t be developed. Ignorant shit like that
empanadas · 31-35, M
I would buy a hooker for cause I love STDs

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