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about:blank - status of bank account day after nearly every pay

How are you faring with financial stability? Since I bought my house in late 2023, I go pay to pay with nothing left after each one when bills, etc. are paid. Luckily I am able to do overtime otherwise I'd be in the red.

But I am able to keep the mortgage paid, the power and water on, food on the table, fuel in the vehicles plus service/maintanance, and the rego/insurance bills covered. Tight by it works. We've just had 0.25 pct interest rate cut and hopefully there will be more cuts.

I still have to let bills go past their due dates and play 'catch up' though. Managable. I refuse to have a credit card so when I run of my own money it's a hard 'stop' without toxic credit usage (besides home loan).

It's also a glaringly obvious reason why dating doesn't happen - because I have no spare money to spend on romantic things. 8-) Just means I don't get more burnt I suppose. ;-)
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
You are so doing the right thing by not having a credit card. I wish I could say something more positive than "Hang in there." But sounds like a lot of people will go to the wall before you. If you do get behin\d, contact the bank and other finaciers sooner, rather than later. If they hear nothing that can assume the worst. But they dont want you house. They want their money. You will have room to negotiate..😷
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman I knew it was going to be a very 'tight fit' (very very little 'lube') financially, but I also know that because I've entered home ownership at a really bad time I can ride out the storm.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@zonavar68 My gut tells me you made all the right moves so far. I see no reason it shouldnt continue.😷

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