whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
There is a story there. But its a "he said, she said" (otherwise known as a trump win) When the AUKUS deal was done the Americans were happy. Then the defence dept got nervous that maybe theye would not get theit subs built on time if the AUKUS subs had to be delivered. So the Aussies had a word with the British, who were an optional supplier of equivalent subs and they said "Sure. No problem" And for a while it looked like we were getting Bri9tish subs. But it seems the American changed there minds when it looked like they might lose the business, as well as the crew training and maintenance contracts. And they suddenly found a way to live up to the contract. The days of the US screwing us over for ten times the price and 4 years late like the F35 are over.😷
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Aukus replaced an already signed deal with a French company for non-nuke subs. Scott Morisson quite rightly pissed the french government (and they contractors that would have been involved) off in a very big way.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@zonavar68 Yes. The proposed French subs were totally incapable of doing the job the Americans wanted to hand over to the Australians. That of patrolling up into the South China. Sea. Diesel subs are only suitable for coastal work really.
Scummo of course handled the whole thing in his "its not my job" manner. And his tratment in the wake of his defeat clearly shows the level of respect he earned..😷
Scummo of course handled the whole thing in his "its not my job" manner. And his tratment in the wake of his defeat clearly shows the level of respect he earned..😷