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Now that I've started saving for a car, I'm conflicted between buying new and used.

Buying used is almost universally considered to be the better option, but a new Kia Forte can be bought for only like $20K and would probably last me over a decade. I don't need something big and fancy; I want something nice and small that can get me where I want to go with minimal trouble. But if I save a few thousand more dollars, I could buy a Corolla hybrid, which would last even longer and consume much less gasoline. Also it'll be easier to insure.

It'll probably come down to long my current car lasts and how much cash I'll have saved. I currently drive a 13- year old Accord lol, but it's still going strong due to low wear and tear. Living where I work has definitely extended this old bastard's lifespan, and Honda makes damn good vehicles.
itsok · 31-35, F
While I know most people say buy used, I prefer buying new. I have so much anxiety over car problems, and that’s greatly reduced when I’ve bought new.
Also, with both my last cars that I bought new, I bought them later in the year around November, when the dealership was getting in the next year’s cars, so the prices were discounted some.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@itsok I have heard that advice, and I hope I can use it. I do hope to drive my current car till the engine explodes though, so it might end up a matter of utmost urgency.

I'm not personally too scared of engine problems if I bought a car with 100,000 miles on it or so, buuuut in the current car market, it seems like used is expensive and cars are holding their value for longer. And it's especially true of economy cars, which are the kind I want to buy anyway. Maybe used prices will go down relative to new prices soon, but as it stands now, a car with half its lifespan left seems to cost almost half as much.
itsok · 31-35, F
@BlueVeins definitely. I bought my last one in 2019, and for the last few years it was worth more than what I paid for it. Right now with the current miles it has, they’re selling for what I paid for mine new
I buy new. I’m not the sort of person that’s very interested in cars so I know I’m going to keep it for a long time. My last car was used as a demo in the dealership so was able to get a discount that way.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Used. Buying new is like willing to pay 2x just for the privilege of taking its mechanical virginity
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Elessar I would've agreed like five years ago but it seems like used cars these days are almost as expensive as new anyway, unless it's through a substantial portion of its lifespan. IDK, it might just be bc I'm hyperfocused on economy cars.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BlueVeins True
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redredred · M
A used program car is generally your best bet. A program car is a used rental, fleet or turned-in lease vehicle.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@redredred I did see one of those when I was looking online, seems like a lot of Versas are used for that.
redredred · M
Ive had best luck with Toyota’s, Hondas and Fords@BlueVeins
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Buy a used one. Maintaining a car is expensive. You will get bored with (any) car you buy so spare some mullah in case you wish to change.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Donotfolowme I don't really care about a car being boring or whatever. I don't want a car that's fun or interesting; I just want something that'll work at a low cost per mile.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Will you be able to pay cash for the car or will you have to finance the car? If you do then typically you pay a higher rate on used vehicles so you have to take that into account.

I bought a 2011 brand new I am still driving it and will until it dies then I will buy another new vehicle.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@iamonfire696 I plan to buy in cash. I'm going to start saving $400 a month in August. If my current car craps out within a few years, getting a loan will unfortunately be my only option. If it makes it at least four more years, it should be possible to pay in cash.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@BlueVeins I hope your current car makes it and you can buy in cash because that will be the best option if you’re buying used.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Toyota corollas are pretty good and durable

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