Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I don't think I'll ever be emotionally ready but I feel like I've watched enough post-apocalyptic TV shows & movies in the past couple decades and looked into survivalist/off grid/homestead life a little when I was in my 20s to give me an edge up in life if I needed to utilize those skills someday.
MethDozer · M
Kinda. The sorta selfish part of me says bring it on and let's rebuild. The communal part of me doesn't want to see children and the less abled to have to deal with it. In the long view though there quite possibly could be less generational suffering if we collapsed for them.
I don't know. I don't want an apocalypse but I don't want or think we can or should keep going on like this as it were. There has to be other options if we could just strive for them.
I don't know. I don't want an apocalypse but I don't want or think we can or should keep going on like this as it were. There has to be other options if we could just strive for them.
@MethDozer there are so many other options, but can we compromise?
These people scare me because they don't care. I've been hearing it for a decade now, spreading like wildfire "I don't care"... Well that's why it's falling apart no matter which way you look at it. People only stand for themselves and those like them. Diverse communities are fading along with the middle class. In the end we all fall in a fiery chasm. Not caring I guess.
I see a bunch of compromises. I see so much opportunity and in certain aspects, similarity. But I can't get through the insults.
They don't see our lives as meaningful. Unless we support the system. I'd rather feel the sting of collapse from collectively fighting back, rather than the hopeless despair that's upon us. If we let it collapse, we can't survive without our community. Let that paper/electronic paper be worthless and see how long those marshmallows last.
These people scare me because they don't care. I've been hearing it for a decade now, spreading like wildfire "I don't care"... Well that's why it's falling apart no matter which way you look at it. People only stand for themselves and those like them. Diverse communities are fading along with the middle class. In the end we all fall in a fiery chasm. Not caring I guess.
I see a bunch of compromises. I see so much opportunity and in certain aspects, similarity. But I can't get through the insults.
They don't see our lives as meaningful. Unless we support the system. I'd rather feel the sting of collapse from collectively fighting back, rather than the hopeless despair that's upon us. If we let it collapse, we can't survive without our community. Let that paper/electronic paper be worthless and see how long those marshmallows last.
Tumbleweed · F
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Tumbleweed ah ..... you do know he isn`t real
Tumbleweed · F
@Degbeme 🤨 A girl can dream. Biiiig dreams about Daryl!! 🤤🤤🤤
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Tumbleweed Dream away my dear. Dream big.
I cant wait
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@MarbleMarvel Lets just dress them up in tutus and make them dance for us
@TheDeathOfOzymandiaz that is the visual I will revisit when they start acting crazy.
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Ducky · 31-35, F
Yes, please
Might as well
BrandNewMan · M
More so than most.
icedsky · 51-55, M
Hell yeah. Got some trail mix. A can of WD40. A fire starter kit. A sharpened spoon and a Loincloth.
@icedsky all you could ever need!
Just end it already
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Going to build a thunderdome
Sevendays · M
Will there be a van involved?
Sevendays · M
@MarbleMarvel that’s perfect!
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
No, I like my mindless entertainment that requires an Internet connection
Degbeme · 70-79, M
No! I need you to protect my smooth ass.
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