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We are all “God”

Knowing this is the beginning of Authority over one’s life. You are “God and Devil” in your world. You are the expression of Life or Death/ Creation or Destruction in your world.

It’s our thoughts that create our reality and our actions that manifest them.

This is the knowledge that has been expressed through symbolism and allegories for ages.
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Greyjedi · M
Where did you hear this? You are a very wise man!
Interesting concept.

Have you heard of the Latin saying ~ “ Ex nihilo nihil fit” meaning, that nothing comes from nothing.

Also “Creatio ex nihilo” meaning, that matter is not eternal but had to be created by some divine creative act.

I’m still reading about the doctrine of them both

Very interesting…
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@SW-User I haven’t heard of those.. but they definitely resonate with the truth in my opinion
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
What utter nonsense. Kind of picking yourself up by the shoelaces idea.
Greyjedi · M
@hippyjoe1955 This was actually an Idea Jesus Christ was trying to share but the devilish apostles would not preach because they could not or did not want to understand. Your holy book is a lie witten by devils in saint clothes. Only Magdaline understood but who would listen to a whore and a woman in those days. Oh that’s right Jesus Christ did. Most of Jesus in the bible is a lie and 80% of the truth is not truly understood by the people who worship him. Ohh the irony.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Greyjedi I see you have never read the Bible or understood the words of Jesus. Sucks to be you. Good luck with that lift.
Greyjedi · M
@hippyjoe1955 lift? What lift? The bible was written by the devil 👿 dim wit. Jesus is treated like a brand “Read this book because Jesus is in it.” You are actually mistaken I understood the Bible when i was 10 so i stopped reading it. Jesus comes to you you through the heart and only people whose heart is closed to the truth, value the “Bible”. The Bible is animalistic and reactive, much like American News. That is all noise. Jesus only comes to people who are in silence and wonder. Animalistic and reactive thoughts and actions close the heart and mind. Can god really be everywhere if is is just one person?

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