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I saw god and died for 1.5 seconds

Hey so this is really intimate of a conversation so be prepared .
I took a shroom in my moms house and god personally saved my life

See I have a disability and I got tired of not having fun so I tried some heavy poison shroom drug and all I can say is I was in the tub yesterday bleeding on the inside of my body lol and my throat clammed up like I sock was in it . I knew I was dying so I said oh shit like I was conscious of him during death.

Like we are portals . And this energy of life can reach into us from another realm . I was dying and the other world is like a huge dark . Space . And he or it or the … is on the other side and it catches us but he pushed me back in side my. Body. Like he spoke it into existence and I came back alive …

God is real y’all . Fr pick up the Bible sometimes and just give it a shot as a part time thing . Don’t count on it at first just read it .
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Deceased · M
Near death hallucinations are caused by a massive release of the chemical DMT the most powerful psychedelic we've ever found. The human brain releases massive doses of this twice in a lifetime: The moment of birth and the moment of death. If the brain thought it was dying it would of released DMT and induced halluciantions.
trreven · 36-40, M
@Deceased ok I mean people die and get resuscitated alll the time
Deceased · M
@trreven okay toddle off now junior. Be a sport snd grab daddy another beer.
trreven · 36-40, M
@Deceased why make a toxic environment . God bless
ExtremeNext · 36-40
I only read comics in newspapers
trreven · 36-40, M
@ExtremeNext what about your next breathe you believe in it even though it hasn’t arrived
trreven · 36-40, M
What about the soles of your feet . You can feel
Them even though you can’t see them
trreven · 36-40, M
So your beliefs isn’t belief it’s occasional trust
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Have you considered that you fell into the age old pit-trap of:

"I tripped balls, thus God"
Ynotisay · M
@Kwek00 I just used the same phrase. Because it's accurate. :)
trreven · 36-40, M
Tell us more about that out of body experience what did you hear and smell and feel ?
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@trreven I was laying in bed one night and I felt as though I was floating about a foot above my own body.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I've never seen god, but I did have an out-of-body experience, once.
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
Where’d you get the shrooms from
trreven · 36-40, M
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
@trreven looks like shit
Ynotisay · M
OK. But there's another phrase for that. Tripping your balls off.
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