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Crime and drag

I used to want to dress in drag and hide my identity so i could commit crimes. Ive moved passed that. I still want to wearthe underwear though.
CestManan · 46-50, F
Kate, is that you?

I used to be on one forum and we had one character who wanted to dress en femme to work as a secret service agent. She had all kinds of interesting ideas. :D
CestManan · 46-50, F
@ApotheGee Maybe you could use the name Talula.
ApotheGee · 36-40, M
@CestManan a blue dress with white pokadots and white stalkings black high heels, long white gloves, prostetic boobs, but, special panties that hide my dick, a prostetic female neck
CestManan · 46-50, F
@ApotheGee Unless your package is humongous, a skirt/dress would hide it.
Apo851 · 22-25
Just go for it
Just make sure u don't get caught
If u do get caught then ig thats as far as u could go or do ur best to escape
If it helps

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