Well there is something about a hard working man with a few days being unshaved being rather sexy/manly to me. 😍
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
Interestingly, I had the beard when I was younger but now have a moustache and no beard.
My hair has never been that long, but has never been that short either.
Some men go bald....including my younger brother (not that he wanted to....he just couldn’t prevent it).
My hair has never been that long, but has never been that short either.
Some men go bald....including my younger brother (not that he wanted to....he just couldn’t prevent it).
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@DragonFruit It's ok but I can't stop thinking about how AMAZING you'd look at that age without it. How young and cute you'd appear.
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BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
no one is asking u to be attracted to them.... it just one of those things that some guys prefer it
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
@TomboyJanet u got issues!
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@BondGirl84 Because i have a preference? oh by all means lock me up!
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
@TomboyJanet no it's not that u have a preference, it's cos u said u get upset cos u seen 14 hot guys per day bow u barely see one... beards can be shaved, ugliness & bad personalities can't be.... open ur mind a bit
Pherick · 41-45, M
*combs my Viking beard* What??
SailorMarz · F
I was never into the long hair....and i’m not into beards. Some guys can make it work tho
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@SailorMarz I don't mind like scruffy stubble that's ok (as long as you have a good body) especially on football players. But like paul bunyon hee haw beards just no
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F

That's what I want to see more of
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It's largely believed that beards became trendy because of so many scruffy nerds becoming super powerful billionaires. Which is unfortunate, because I hate those guys and I have a beard.
But in my case, it's because it hides a multitude of chins. I mean sins.
But in my case, it's because it hides a multitude of chins. I mean sins.

CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@SW-User Annd I work in IT. *sobs*
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@SW-User wait....isn't that hobo harry from down the block? he's doing well for himself!
Actually Mad Mag had a pretty funny thing about that where a scruffy guy gets kicked out of a corporate event but turns out to be the CEO and founder
Actually Mad Mag had a pretty funny thing about that where a scruffy guy gets kicked out of a corporate event but turns out to be the CEO and founder
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
what's with the criticism today on people's appearances?
i thought folks were into individuality?
and not being judgmental?
i thought folks were into individuality?
and not being judgmental?
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@sighmeupforthat hate the trend not the people dude the trend not the people
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
What's sad is guys who try to grow a beard and end up looking like Bigfoot with a bad case of mange...
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@AlienZipper SO TRUE! Everyone is like I'm yeee old woodsman!! har har! And that coupled with a lack of shower time = BLEH
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
I had one once and gave it up because it was more maintenance than shaving every day...
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bijouxbroussard · F
No, apparently folks appreciate adult men again.
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard I love that! If more guys were like that I bet there would be less lonely people out there. or more...depending on how you look at it.
Of course some girls will throw away the good guys like that and wind up with a dick and thats a shame.
Waist length hair is delicious to me on guys. must be well maintained though. But if it is it's like ooo primal warrior carry me away! lol
Of course some girls will throw away the good guys like that and wind up with a dick and thats a shame.
Waist length hair is delicious to me on guys. must be well maintained though. But if it is it's like ooo primal warrior carry me away! lol
bijouxbroussard · F
@TomboyJanetHis hair is beautiful and he takes good care of it. He's also donated it to Locks of Love (provides wigs for cancer patients)about 4 times in the last 10 years and it's already grown back past his shoulders again. His daughter saw something about the group and first told him about it.
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard Sounds amazing! his family is very lucky
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Well thank you !

World is evolving, back to normal. I liked scrawny emos when I was 16.
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@SW-User Well by this point I'm almost entirely no longer interested in guys BECAUSE of that so I guess I'll just stick to girls.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Men are coming back.
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@MartinTheFirst I love tough girls! I guess I like it the opposite, soft guys strong women. normality and conformity doesn't appeal to me I associate it with giving up easily and lack of commitment
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@TomboyJanet I love tough girls too but they dont have to look like shit to be tough
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@MartinTheFirst I mean to each their own looks. I like mohawks because I love rebels. I like them on guys too. To me just someone who goes against the grain and looks wild just really gets me going. It's like come on lets smash this town up together!

It's beards, douchebag slicked back looks, douchebag 1950s hair and asshole pompadours
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@SW-User Thats good. I miss your kind lol!! Hair flips and that sexy little smile always won me over back in the day.

@TomboyJanet I miss being that skinny. I used to be a twig. Unfortunately I'm older and fatter now and it won't be the same if I changed my hair back to flippy hair
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@SW-User get running dude! Running keeps you thin. I roller skate, play sports, and climb alot so I can still hold it together. Just find the time start slow, and keep it up!
You and i are around the same age, I'm getting to the point where I'm like yeah these new kids don't have ANY idea what sexy is or what cool is. I mean after all, they use the word LIT and play with fidgit spinners for god sakes!
You and i are around the same age, I'm getting to the point where I'm like yeah these new kids don't have ANY idea what sexy is or what cool is. I mean after all, they use the word LIT and play with fidgit spinners for god sakes!
Same they're gross lol
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
gee, you turned out to be like everyone else where tomboyjanet.
dam shame. :/ i thought better of you.
dam shame. :/ i thought better of you.
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