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😂 I'd say $50, take the money, and thank him as I walk away announcing that I'm not wearing any.

Thanks for the BA. ☺
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Reminds me of when one of my online cyber ladies dared me to go buy her panties, with specific instructions on how I had to engage the sales lady with lots of questions, including checking the gussets, etc. The boutique was just opening and I was the only customer with the young woman who was opening up. I proceeded on my assignment, and each time she asked about my lady's size, preferences, etc., I turned it around to "about your size", "what do you like}", etc. Finally I selected a pair, she rang it up, wrapped them in tissue and put them in a cute little bag. I handed them to her and said she could have them. "But what about your lady friend?" "She's on another continent and I'm not sure her husband would appreciate me mailing them to her." She became flustered and said she couldn't accept gifts. So I suggested swapping them for the pair she was wearing. She actually thought about it before saying "I'm alone and can't go in back to change." I thanked her for being a good sport and left the bag on the counter for her.
Davidarendale0 · 36-40, M
@dancingtongue damn that's a good one. It's cocky and catches her off guard. If I was single I would totally try that as an approach. I wouldn't mention other continents or husbands or anything I would just say"oh didn't you know? you're my lady friend."
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I think if she had been wearing a skirt instead of pants that she would have seriously considered reaching up and shimmying them down and handing them to me. She obviously was intrigued by the whole scene.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
You know, as long as I didn't need to take them off in front of him, I might be tempted to sell them for a couple of thousand.
UndeadSona · F
As much as I could get.... that's free money
Splendida · 51-55, F
For some reason that doesn't really freak me out, I would like it to be a high number just for my ego, LOL... But I would sell them, the tax season coming and all...
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Davidarendale0 · 36-40, M
@Molly24 you value your panties very highly.
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bijouxbroussard · F
I would be screaming for the cops way before that point. 😳