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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
they happen.
long as they're treated in a way that isn't inhibiting sure.
i even tried to do scarification on some customers... it's an interesting art but my knowledge on immunity and the epidermis, i got all chicken shit and said "no, we'll find someone better who isn't soo nervous behind the scalpel and shaper."
long as they're treated in a way that isn't inhibiting sure.
i even tried to do scarification on some customers... it's an interesting art but my knowledge on immunity and the epidermis, i got all chicken shit and said "no, we'll find someone better who isn't soo nervous behind the scalpel and shaper."
smiler2012 · 56-60
randall ihave two one on my right inside thigh and one on my left shin
Tracos · 51-55, M
scars that have story... .definitely
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bijouxbroussard · F
Nay, I don’t consider them a good thing, although I do have some. If one lives long enough it’s inevitable. 🙁