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Should a woman in her 50's age gracefully or fight it with all we have?

I am age 53 and am getting gray hair. Should I let it go gray or color it?
Youni19 · 26-30, F
I always wondered why people dye it, gray is a cool hair color, imo lol But do whatever you're comfortable with, whatever makes you happy
summersong · F
From your profile pic I think you'd look awesome with grey hair.
@summersong Thank you.
summersong · F
@SW-User for the philosophical part--you can fight it in a million ways that don't involve your hair, if that's where your heart is pulling you, or you can redefine what it means to be in your 50s.
JoshuaCo19 · 26-30, M
i've met older woman who are beautiful looking young and others who look just as sexy aging gracefully. really it comes down to how you feel which is right and if you like the look. if that's you in the picture , i'd advise age gracefully because honeslty as a young man and i saw yoou at a party i would try to get you:)
@JoshuaCo19 Thank you
hlpflwthat · M
Totally your call. Do what makes you happy.
dresserx · 56-60, T
do what makes you feel good
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@Bootsiebaby Thank you.
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Silverfox420 · 36-40, F
I'm 33 and going silver. I love it.
My mom is almost 60. But she has great skin and blonde hair. Doesn't look 60 even a little bit. I tell her I won't let her go Grey yet 😝 But to each their own! Do whatever makes you happy!
Gentlemickey · 70-79, M
Color it.. You will look and feel younger and you will get compliments about how good you look. Don't go crazy, just keep it simple and you and everyone else will love it !!
exexec · 61-69, C
My wife keeps some gray, but with tints. She looks young for her age, but the aging joints are hard to hide.
suburbs · 22-25, F
My mom's a bit older than you and she still colors it. Looks natural to me. I'd say stop in your mid-60s at most.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I've found long gray hair to be quite dignified
@Jackaloftheazuresand Thank you. Mine is long and slowly turning grey.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
You are quite welcome
Go with the flow, but keep fit and look after yourself
I'm 52. I color mine, but I do it because I like to. Do what works for you. :)
My wife is 48 and premature gray. It is no dishonor.
Sarabee · 41-45
Gray or silver is so becoming on women❤️
Whatever you feel it's best for you. :)

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