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I Fantasize About Being a Woman

Fantasizing... When I, as with a select group of people, fantasize about being a woman, I often times take a realistic approach to the entire subject. I don't picture myself as one of the girls that you would see on the cover of Cosmopolitan or any of those other magazines; no, I instead envision myself as my current equivalent. Instead of being a size four, I am a size 18, instead of having perfect features I am able to envision myself with minor flaws that don't take away from the beauty or mystique but add to it in a unique way that makes me who I am. This makes it seem a little more real, not just some far off day dream that does not seem unobtainable.
What helps? Having somebody else to help me envision what it would really be like, hearing it in their words as opposed to just mine. It makes a world of difference and makes the illusion all the more real. Thinking of it as real helps to envision it as real, even if you know that it is just an illusion, it helps to make the illusion more believable.
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Now that is what a true woman is.

Screw fantasy. Even if reality is destroying you (as it is me), being real is the only way to go.
Not in my toxic living environment, from which there is only one other alternative: The street, and becoming a tranny whore.

If I were able, and allowed to move on, this would have happened already.

#Slave of the system and of society
violetxpanze · 41-45, T
Once again, I can't just turn and look the other way and say "it doesn't work that way" because the sad fact is that it does. I have seen the good and bad that society has done to not only the community but to itself. I wish you the best of luck and if you ever need to vent to anyone, you can send me a message here.
Thanks, but venting doesn't help in the long run, and I have explained what will for 100% certain.

So...well. I guess my choices are few, and not helpful.

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