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Baby fever is real!

Okay, so my friend's older sister from church just announced she's pregnant! And OMG, she looks so happy and radiant! It's like, instant baby fever! 🤩
I know I'm still just a teenager, but seeing her glow like that, and imagining a tiny little baby... it's seriously making me melt. I'm totally obsessed with all the cute baby stuff now.
Does anyone else get like this? How do you deal with the intense baby fever? Is there like, a support group or something? 😂 Or am I just destined to watch endless baby videos and sigh dramatically? #babyfever #churchfam #sos #iwantababy #help
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manly · 46-50, M
Jenn, that's all so awesome! Is that her first baby, I assume? 🤔
BlackPetals · 18-21, F
Hi Jenn! I'm Mandy. I PM'ed you. 👍
BlackPetals · 18-21, F
Oh, I LOVE babies and children! Eventhough I only like girls, I want to adopt 1 boy and 1 girl when I'm married. (maybe 2 girls and 1 boy)
BlackPetals · 18-21, F
Sorry (like only girls romantically 🩷)
i know...its hard to put out too i here..
A lot of young women get baby fever. I think it’s to kickstart the need to procreate and start a family or at least the idea of one so when you’re ready so is your cravings to have children ☺
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
The idea is way more magical than the grind that is parenthood.
Penny · 46-50, F
check how she looks after the baby is born lol.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@Penny That's because all your cuteness comes out of your body, then latches on to feed for 18 years, or sometimes longer.
They are super cute the first 8 or 9 years, then they hate you until they are maybe 25.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
You know what else causes a fever and is real?
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