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How did pregnancy affect you?

I'm realy struggling with headaches and blood pressure atm.
Pre pregnancy 110/70 was my norm.

Now it fluctuates between 125/78 and 136/86.

Im finding I'm incredibly irritated by little things.

Crumbs left in the kitchen at work, someone leaving one sheet of toilet roll in the work toilets or using it and not using the toilet brush afterwards.

I struggle to concentrate on anything.

I have a few books here that I wanted to read and for the life of me I can read more than half a sentence before I switch off or want to sleep.

My appetite isn't really as big as I thought it would be.

I eat my 3 meals a day but I don't have large portions, I'm eating because I have to not because I want to.

I still have 4 more months to go.

I have been assessed for therapy and will be joining a mum and baby group soon.

I don't think I'm depressed but I'm not exactly feeling jolly.
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Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
Congratulations once again!!! Pregnancies are always tough but I am sure you will get through it. I'm pretty sure you and your significant other will be great parents once the baby is born. One of my closest friends lost friends when she became pregnant with her first child. Unfortunately, these things happen.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Barefooter25 thank you and I truly hope so.
As for friends I have more online than real life. So I hope my interactions can sustain the absences.
It's a very strange period of time
Steph34 · 31-35, F
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope mom and baby are doing well. But like VOOdoo said, you should go and see the Drs. They will be the ones to discuss this with.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Steph34 thank you x

I might be feeling especially down as I've been home 2 days with a migraine back pain and high BP.
Steph34 · 31-35, F
@Mellowgirl I am so sorry to read that, please seek medical advice, that way you will be able to relax knowing that if anything is wrong, which I hope it isn't, they will take care of that.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Steph34 will do. Thank you for responding x
emiliya · 22-25, F
When I found out I was pregnant the first time at 19, I was confused. I was a very bad person back then. I remember being with a friend and seeing a charity poster of a sick child, a very young sick child. I think they were around two years old. I drunkenly said to my friend: “look, why are they bothering...the child is going to die anyway...” I wish I could go back in time and stab myself for saying that. When I had my son in hospital, I was losing my mother to cancer that she had only been diagnosed with a month prior to me giving birth. It was terminal, and the deterioration was very very rapid. It was not slow, there was no hope, it was happening too quickly. My dad had died suddenly during this period. His heart stopped. He was 66, and my mother had only turned 50 in the month I gave birth. I was depressed and midwives reported me for not bonding with my son. They said I was ignoring him and not doing things with him. When I bathed my son for first time, I was worried about him being cold. I kept him close to me and watched him to see if he would be sick in the night. I was still not trusted, no one ever trusted me except my parents and my grandmother.

I had two more children since then.

In my pregnancies, I never had any physical issues! This is fine! I am fit and healthy. I am even more normal mentally when pregnant and when I have a baby. It seems to subdue the bad in me. I had a few drinks in my first pregnancy toward the end, when my mom was dying. It was no more than five, and I felt bad. I didn't get drunk. Both my parents drank too much, and they smoked. They were good people, but they drank every day and it was a lot. In my second and third pregnancies, I did not drink at any point after finding out. I felt so much better about life. I want to have ten children.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@emiliya that's a lot. I hope going forward life improves. X
in10RjFox · M
It's a pity that pregnant women are made to struggle all alone in this so called modern world, when they are supposed to be amidst others and taken care of.

It's a phase of melancholy that you need to go through but do invite people like mother, sister or friend or in law so you get to switch your mind.

Being in a pool of water can give a great relief for your back.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Congratulations 😃

I’m sorry to hear it’s making you feel a bit poorly, on the plus side, it’s only for a limited time
When she was pregnant? Elated!

When she miscarried?
Cried and was depressed for a longtime!
rachelsj · 22-25, F
1st trimester was always hard for me, especially in the morning
Go see the docs.

My pregnancy wasnt ideallic. Just be strong in telling them when it's not right for you. X
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@V00doo I'm sorry. I didn't realise that was your experience. 😩🤗
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@V00doo I don't really know what to kind of say anymore.
Buying for a baby isn't cheap and although we're not destitute we're trying to manage our money. This was the biggest buy, I mean it's a really good deal. To see buggies at £1k is ridiculous to me. Does it nurse the child for you?

My partner was also made redundant so hence the little buys here and there.

I havent bought any baby clothes or nappies or anything. It's literally just been this.
@Mellowgirl I get it. It's so expensive. Do what you can x
I didn’t know you were pregnant ! Congratulations !
I had "morning sickness" morning, noon & night. Every smell made me nauseous, my ankles and feet were swollen all the time. I cried constantly, about everything. My son was born healthy, though.
My sister had a much easier time.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard thank you bb. Been a bit quiet about this tbh.
Pregnancy is no easy thing. I can totally relate on the emotional side of things.
SalttyDawg · 70-79, M
🤔 Didn’t have to wear a condom 😁
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I didn’t realize you were pregnant.

I understand this, my last pregnancy I was so sick. I had hypermesis gravidarium and threw up constantly until I had my boy.

I never glowed when I was pregnant. It’s a lot for your body to go through and everything changes so quick.

If you’re finding it really hard please talk to the doctor and especially if you’re having a hard time after babe comes along.

I hope things get better 🩷.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Musicman my mum has been saying that she still can't believe it. She's happy but also nervous due to previous health issues I've had.

My sister I'm not sure she's been a little distant.
Her comments also not the best about my weight.
Our relationship has come to a weird point as things are changing. I also think things in her life are a little tricky atm. Health and financially
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@Mellowgirl I am so sorry to hear that ☹ My wife has cancer in her uterus lining. She is getting set to have a total hysterectomy to make sure they get all the cancer. The surgery is set for the 29th.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Musicman oh my... I so sorry to hear this. I thought things were improving. Message me when you get the chance. 🙏🏾 Sending well wishes xx

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