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BreathingFreshAir18-21, F
Congrats. When is you baby due?

BarbossasHusband36-40, M
No birth is the same. Just so you know, you could shit or/and piss while pushing, and you could tear up so much you need stitches down there.
Only thing I know for sure, assuming you're not putting the baby up for adoption, is it's gonna be worth it. The moment you hold your little baby, all the embarrasment and pain will be forgotten.
@BarbossasHusband indeed I do know all that...done my research 馃槉
justanothername51-55, M
Hang your dignity up on the door on the way into the delivery suite and pick it up on the way out.
Enjoy the amazing experience of holding your baby on your body for the first time 鉂わ笍
PhilDeep51-55, M
We were shown that when we were eight years old by some kind of progressive teacher. I'd never seen anything gorier and never wanted to see it again. Just because we all start life that way doesn't mean we necessarily need to watch it close-up in my opinion.
Aw but having the baby after is such a lovely feeling 馃馃馃 try to not overthink about it, you'll be right
Starcrossed41-45, F
Ooh... watch a couple water birth videos, they're so neat.
smileylovesgaming31-35, F
I wouldn't worry to much they have seen it all
Nitedoc51-55, M
Your OB-GYN should have some good videos to watch.
justanothername51-55, M
When are you due?

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