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I Am Pregnant and a Teen

I have 72 days until she is due to be here. 馃挍
rottenrobi56-60, F
I wish you all the best. It's not going to be easy, but I'm sure you hear that all the time. Be patient, and willing to just sit and be with your baby. I know you will be able to do it, but it will come at a cost for you because you're so young. You will lose a part of your teenage years, but you'll get them back when you're older. In my opinion, you will enjoy them just as much later as you would now.
Congratulations. The time will fly by now, so be sure to do things for yourself. Now is the time to appreciate and enjoy your freedom. 鉂わ笍
Pagan18-21, F
@rottenrobi I鈥檓 enjoying my freedom while I still can 馃挍
rottenrobi56-60, F
@Pagan Perfect, that's all you should be doing right now. Having fun .
Beautiful for you, and the baby girl to come. You are beautiful as well!
Pagan18-21, F
@WillaKissing Thanks so much 馃挍
@Pagan You are welcome.鉂わ笍
MySecretIdentity146-50, M
Make sure you do a coming home run through. Get into your car and pretend your baby is there. Put them in. Go home and run through what will happen to make sure you haven't forgotten anything.
Pagan18-21, F
@MySecretIdentity1 I know I鈥檒l forget something, haha 馃挍
MySecretIdentity146-50, M
@Pagan Just don't forget the carseat. Take it to the local firehouse to have it installed properly. You don't knowhow many people for get to bring one, or a baby blanket. They get used to using the hospital one.
Pagan18-21, F
@MySecretIdentity1 Thanks 馃挍
Pre congratulations. Of what I can see of your photo, you look absolutely gorgeous. Pregnant girls always do.
Pagan18-21, F
@BobbieT Thanks so much 馃挍
annamk26-30, F
What does that make you, 6 months along? Such a cute little bump 馃挅
Edit - almost 7
Pagan18-21, F
@annamk I鈥檓 30 weeks on Tuesday 馃挍
Sooo CUTE! Got taste for that when i was pretty young
Pagan18-21, F
@Dshhh 馃挍
Congratulations xx my sister just had her baby girl like 2weeks ago
Pagan18-21, F
@autumnPixiee Thanks 馃挍
english56-60, M
by choice ,?馃
Pagan18-21, F
@english No he isn鈥檛 馃挍
english56-60, M
@Pagan i can only wish you good karma hun ,馃 to you and the munchkin 馃檭
Pagan18-21, F
@english Thanks 馃挍
AuRevoir36-40, M
Haha! That little Spiderman in the background! Adorbz!
Pagan18-21, F
@AuRevoir Haha, thanks 馃挍馃暩
My daughter is 3 months. Good luck and hope all goes well
Pagan18-21, F
@nevergiveup Thanks 馃挍
QuietEd201931-35, M
馃槏馃槏馃槏 you look absolutely gorgeous 馃槏馃槏馃槏
Pagan18-21, F
@QuietEd2019 Thanks 馃挍
QuietEd201931-35, M
@Pagan you are welcome darling 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
vetguy199151-55, M
Glad things are going well
Pagan18-21, F
@vetguy1991 Thanks 馃挍
Highskirt56-60, M
Love the dress
Pagan18-21, F
@Highskirt It is the only outfit I have that is still comfortable to wear 馃挍
Highskirt56-60, M
@Pagan take good care .and all the best
Pagan18-21, F
@Highskirt Thanks 馃挍
Pagan18-21, F
@Callmewhatyouwill I鈥檒l pass 馃挍
@Pagan haha. Something to consider. You don't have to decide right away
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Pagan18-21, F
@geoam1 Thanks 馃挍
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Pagan18-21, F
@SW-User I have a few options, but I haven鈥檛 fully decided 馃挍
Newfound41-45, M
Pagan18-21, F
@Newfound Thanks 馃挍
Newfound41-45, M
@Pagan 馃憤
Looking swell
Pagan18-21, F
@Wayne1170 Thanks 馃挍
Your very welcome@Pagan
SweetMae70-79, F
Pagan18-21, F
@SweetMae Thanks so much 馃挍
Rutterman46-50, M
Congrats! 馃挏
Pagan18-21, F
@Rutterman Thanks 馃挍
Best wishes 馃槉
Pagan18-21, F
@Wamfan213 Thanks so much 馃挍
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Pagan18-21, F
@Older4funEx Thanks? 馃挍

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