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advice on daycare neglet

i came to pick up my son and i heard a hightened scream and jumping. It sounded like he was being scared and heard one of the workeers laugh ..Iconfronted them.. i was told he was just crying and she was laaughing at something on her phone..The daycare owner wasnt present so i brought this to her attention, she told me she can show me the video from her cameras on monday. Now she also mentioned she couldnt send the video because she isnt tech savy. my friend told me i should be careful because if womething happened she can edit the video.. now as upset as it made me i cant thibk of how to handle the situation.. i thought if i see something wrong im by myself and proned to want to do something violent. my friend advised me to have her send it on my phone and force her.
moonyean · 26-30, F
i’m not sure what the laws are like where you’re at, but daycares in my state don’t even allow workers to be on their phones throughout the day. it is also really strange for them to not pull up the cameras right then if she was confident that nothing had happened 🤨
Don't force just yet. It's alot easier to get something when offered voluntary than under the threat of the law (accidents tend to happen when lawyers get involved).

If you don't feel comfortable having your son there anymore, take him elsewhere if at all possible. Just.... I've seen Secret Service screw around on their phones while on guard, so I don't really know where on earth short of Amish Country you can take your kid for attentive daycare, and I can't ecen guarantee that will be the caring sort of attention.
Sapio · 51-55, M
If you do not see the video, contact your local law enforcement agency. Also, an employee should not be on their phone while providing child care.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Kids make a lot of noise and they scream and as parents sometimes it sounds really awful when they're just throwing a tantrum or fell in a minor way so I wouldn't really rush to judgment.

I would kind of pay attention very closely in the future to everything and I would demand to see the video also.
Contact your local law enforcement and report them for suspicions of abuse.
Monday40 · 51-55, F
@NativePortlander1970 I agree but I don’t have kids.

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