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Jstbanannas1991 · 31-35, F
My mom was a foster parent once. I think it’s harder to parent a foster child than your own.
Fifidog · 26-30, F
@Jstbanannas1991 what kind of challenges did she experience?
Jstbanannas1991 · 31-35, F
@Fifidog the child had a lot of anger which is understandable if you knew his background. He also had strong abandonment issues. He was separated from his brother. A previous foster family adopted his little brother but didn’t want to adopt him

It is a mix of feelings. Committing to another human. Fear. Excitement. Happiness. A lot of feelings. You can talk to other pRents and foster parents. Likely a social worker or your worker will be able to discuss this with you. You are young and you have the brains and the energy to do this. Do you have a partner to help you or is this solo? Best of luck.
Fifidog · 26-30, F
@PoetryNEmotion yes I will be doing it solo but my parents are super supportive and I’ve been bouncing ideas off them! Will they think I’m too young to parent an older child? That’s something I’m concerned about.
@Fifidog Your youth counts in your favour. I am sure you got this. Have fun. Enjoy. It is about love and learning and teaching.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It is an anxious and uncertain time. Just remember that the child is probably more scared than you are. Watch, listen and learn together and be prepared to adapt and compromise.

Fostering is awesome for child and parent. Enjoy 😌
Fifidog · 26-30, F
@SunshineGirl that is true! Thank you for your support. Any suggestions on how I can feel less anxious during uncertainty? I feel like I’m trying to rush time so I can see what the outcome will be when I just want to live in the present and stop thinking lol
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Fifidog Do you have a child lined up for fostering? My daughter lived in a childrens home and we helped out with trips, homework support and other activities for 5 years before we actually fostered. So we already knew each other well, although nothing could have prepared us for her boundless energy! We also had lots of support in the first few weeks from her social worker.

Just try not to overthink things and stay in the moment. Nobody is expecting you to be perfect, least of all the child. There's nothing wrong with being very excited though. At first we had her for long weekends . . I used to spend most of the week longing for the next visit to come around 😌
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Fifidog you may of thought when you made the initial decision to adopt it was the right call . it is understandable you are apprehensive and having doubts and second thoughts that is natural .it is worth giving it a try and you may be surprised it may not be bad as you think do you have an opt out clause if it does not work out

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