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hit my daughter

Is it wrong to hit her if she is misbehaving?
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Depends on the hit? I think there are two different kinds. A wake up/you were naught kind and a Fuck you/I'm more powerful than you kind.
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
@Geminyoureye: Alright. I can't change your opinion but as you can see i did try my best to help. Just remember often times the child will raise their kids the way they were raised so she might grow up have kids and hit them to. Maybe even harder.
one girl said she would place me under citizens arrest
I don't believe hitting a child teaches them anything . I think it's done out of anger on the parents part . I try communicating when my son misbehaves , also consequences of his actions ...I take privledges away when the consequences aren't good ones .
@dunpender: I've never hit any child ever . It's not in me to do that . I try gentle persuasion or I simply tell him he's getting privledges taking away for however long I see fit . Children are just that ...children ...hitting them only teaches them it's ok to solves problems with violence. I prefer my son learn to use critical thinking to work out the problem . It takes patience, I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means but it's worth teaching your child other ways to solve problems rather then resorting to hitting .
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
@Chernobylplayground: ^^
@ Chernobylplayground:
Me too dear.
I was raised with corporal punishment.
Personally, I do NOT believe there is any need for it, and did not raise my child in the manner I was raised.

The outcome goes in two extremes, when this manner of *discipline* is ab/used /misused by the parent.
One: the child becomes a bully, or worse. And this insidious circle can continue...sadly.
Two: the child becomes victim of bullies and so their life can be scarred from an early age.
It can plummet them into depth of depression, self loathing and abusing illicit substances to numb out, even self harm.
Actually in both scenarios, they want to numb out
because in both scenarios, THEY ARE BEING ABUSED.
According to studies, yes. But the strong will always justify the acts of violence they commit against the weak. How I see it, if I'm not a good enough parent to explain why their behavior is wrong, I don't deserve a child. Hitting them shouldn't even be an option.
Depends, what weapon did you use? 🤔
juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
Here we go a trolling among the folks so green! Here we go a trolling and being so damn mean! Pick a subject that makes them mad! See how long it will last...
@Fairfeariefumblesfrolicksflies: I like to set my sarcasm to music gives it a charming effect don't you think? LOL
You're a clown
hehe ;) It sounds fun :)
I love special effects...!🎆

And I think I am ready to jump OFF this crazy coaster(of these two posts)...It's gotten me quite🎢😤

May God bless us all and show us the way...✝🙏🏻✡
curiosi · 61-69, F
Hitting a child teaches them nothing except if you want your way just bully.
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AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Spanking once in a while is ok, but hitting as in punching, slapping, or pulling their hair is not
I couldn't hit my child..but im not judging,you are the mom,i have no saying in how you raise your children 😐
romell · 51-55, M
you are the mother what u do with a clear conscience is good
A sociopath has a clear conscience about murder, rape, etc, for example:
'conscience clarity' IS IRRELEVANT here.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
this one's for you social workers.
this needs more context
Nicolina15 · 26-30, F
depends on how you hit
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tenente · 100+, M
your kid. your rules.

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