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Debbiegetsbelt2 · 22-25, F
To embarrass you

meggie · F
My families strict christian religion were told spare the rod and spoil the child. They used to do it in front of the congregation and mostly it waa for things like being restless while sitting on hard wooden benches for hours or not paying attention. It was very cruel.
@meggie Catholic schools were also notorious for corporal punishment. And these people wonder why so many folks leave the church as soon as they’re able.
meggie · F
@bijouxbroussard yes that is true. Spare the rod and spoil the child they used to say.
@meggie They did say that a lot. It isn't official dogma and I never was sure what a rod was. But I got the gist of it and it always made my bottom tingle and me worry!
leahlikes · 18-21, F
part of the humiliation i think
chrisCA · M
@leahlikes True. Many parents believed that embarrassment was part of the punishment.
Jenny76 · 46-50, F
I always hated that when my mom did that.
Especially to her friends when when I could hear
@Jenny76 Especially when they shared advice on how to get "better" results (= more pain in your bottom)!
lancashirelady50 · 70-79, F
Parenting other people’s children is the easiest thing in the world!
@lancashirelady50 Absolutely. I really loathed those predictions about how much better behaved I would be if I were someone else's son! Might have been true at your house!! (I would admit.)
ZakHally · 18-21
I knowwww its sooo annoying 😩😩😩
They're kind of proud of the fact that they do it, it gives them some power, and they think there good parents then because they have there children under control...😐
@SW-User This seems exactly right and it explains why parents all over the world all do it!
Example: (Said of one mom to another about a kid misbehaving in public) "If that were my child, she would be sleeping on her tummy tonight!" OR "When I got him home, I would wear his naughty bare bottom out with my hairbrush!"

What I feared the most was that the discussion would then go down this path: " Yes, a good idea; what do you use?"
Some think that makes them good parents. Most of the parents in my social set are now anti-corporal punishment. If anyone was bragging about that they’d be threatened with CPS (Child Protective Services).
@bijouxbroussard True but this particular policy was used by the professionals in a state that does not paddle in schools. So, in paddling states I figured it must be even laxer.
@Alfred22 That’s why I say it depends on the state. Here, as a teacher, if you see any signs of abuse, or a child confides in you, CPS must be notified.
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Strict4u · 56-60, M
Hoping they can get advice on something that might be more effective if you keep getting into trouble
maiohy · 18-21, F
Mum only tells close family if necessary
@maiohy Why should it be 'necessary'?
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Well are the parent's friends new parent's
Kathleen0799 · 22-25, F
An excellent question
InstructHer · 56-60, M
To remind you.
Louis54 · 61-69, M
It's hard to say and probably depends on where you are living and the attitudes of the other parents. I suppose it could be done with the best of intentions, but that wouldn't make it less embarrassing for you.
smiler2012 · 56-60
[sw-uer] 🤷‍♂️whoever you may be yes i agree what ever happens inside your own four walls at home should stay there no need too humiliated in front of others about the topic
StevenIzzi · 51-55, M
Hey it could be worse....

I always thought my parents were OVER Protective as they watched me every time I crossed the street.....

Then I found out about the bet. 😂
Theyitis · 36-40, M
How old are you? And how did they punish you?
Joshlost · M
They tell people or they make you tell them?
1olderguy20 · 61-69, M
That must be very embarrassing for you at your age
chrisCA · M
They believe it is a way to add to the punishment.
1olderguy20 · 61-69, M
How are you punished
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@1olderguy20 rare, but yes sir :(
1olderguy20 · 61-69, M
@SW-User my girlfriend in high school got the belt bare until 18 from her dad
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