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Why don’t parents respect their child’s privacy but the child has to respect theirs? Parents are RUDE [I Parenting]

Okay so I’m 17 and my Dad is getting on my nerves! I’m not allowed to lock my door, no boyfriends until I’m mature enough or 30 (lol), he doesn’t respect my privacy and he is always in my business. I was like, “Dad you taught me about broundries, so why is your nose in my business?”
My dad’s face was shocked and then he said, “That’s different, you’re my child and what goes on in your life is my life too. There is NO privacy in this house accept when you change or whatever but when it comes to boys or people you let in your life, that’s my business so don’t be telling me about boundaries! Your mother and I made you, your business and my business and so basically, I am part of YOU. I brought you in this world, I can you out so THERE.“
That shut me up. Then I said, “You don’t respect my privacy at all. I would say hold on but you barge in always. That’s not nice.”
He said, “You’re right. I don’t. You’re a teenager. You have to EARN privacy. It’s my house so I can barge in if I want.”
Me: You get mad at me for barging in your room and tell me I have to respect your privacy but you are allowed to disrespect MINE?! How unfair!”
Dad: Of course life isn’t fair! Life isn’t fair! It’s my house! I get privacy, MY HOUSE!”

My dad is such a jerk and a savage. My grandma said, “You’re not your own thing until you’re 18.” 😳😳😳😳
Really grandma???
There is always an inequality of power between parents and children.
There is also an inequality between the person who owns a house and the others who live in it.

Normally parents would start to give increasing privacy to a teenage kid, especially a parent of the opposite gender.

But in your case there are other things going on which you have not shared in this post, but have shared in others.

1. You are addicted to picking, and have the scars and fresh scars to prove it - which is one of the reasons why your doctor is worried about you.

2. You are 5'10 and weigh 251 lbs. This height for weight ratio means that medically speaking you qualify as morbidly obese, and in serious danger with respect to your health. It was a big increase on the previous time when you saw the doctor only a few months ago. This means that not only did you not go on the diet she recommended, but somehow you have been continuing to overeat - very likely in secret in your bedroom.

3. Your father is aware that you are active on social media, and that your ex-friend has targeted you on Facebook and goaded her friends to do the same. So he is, at the very least, worried that you might be continuing to expose yourself to that bullying via your cellphone or laptop.
He may or may not know about your participation in SW. Already, you have made us aware that at least one man has been bothering you by refusing to accept your very clear NO.
There are some very unpleasant men here. The average woman knows how to block and report them - but, in the way you complained in your post, it seemed as if you were not aware of these boundaries that you can assert to protect yourself. There are also a few trolls here, who if they perceive that you are vulnerable, might decide to target you.

Because you are on the Autism Spectrum your level of emotional maturity is not equal to other 18 year olds of your age. Based on my training in psychology and years in teaching, and based on your posts so far, I would estimate your emotional and mental maturity as roughly equivalent to a 12 year old.

I am not trying to insult you.
Some months back you said you don't want to be treated as a baby or a child; you wanted to be treated as a young adult and you want to know the truth of how and why things are the way they are.

No parent is perfect; it's not possible for anyone to be perfect.
But your father loves you very much.
He is fully aware of your various problems, and he is doing his best to try to protect you from harming yourself.

When he says that you have to earn the right to privacy, what he means is he needs to see evidence that you are not picking or self-harming, following the diet your doctor prescribed and not overeating, and not engaging with potentially emotionally damaging aspects of social media.

I have said it as plainly as I can.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
Are you gonna be able to live your life out your house soon? like rent a place while you go to University you think? I think it will solve your family problems, or rather just make it disappear.
LaylaTheTallGirl · 22-25, F
@DestroyerOfIdeologies After I graduate I’m thinking about going to college. I’m done living under my dads roof.
I think every teen goes through this at some point. Your dad is just trying to look out for you, and wants to keep you safe. It's hard for him to accept you are going up.

Hope this helps.
Dad’s roof? Dad’s rules. It sucks but that’s the way it is. 🤷‍♂️
@LaylaTheTallGirl And again, that’s how it is. It was the same for me growing up. You’re young and haven’t figured out yet that complaining often changes nothing. Until you’re living on your own you don’t get to call the shots. It’s just how it is.
LaylaTheTallGirl · 22-25, F
@DukeOfEarle Oh. Well whatever I’m moving out
There ya go! @LaylaTheTallGirl
Seewhoitis · 56-60, M
Parents tends to be like that when you are young. But as you get older they will slowly stop.
LaylaTheTallGirl · 22-25, F
@Seewhoitis It was worse when I was younger. Like under 16
Seewhoitis · 56-60, M
@LaylaTheTallGirl Your dad was taking care of you ever since you were little so it is hard for him to break away now and leave you alone...but he will slowly start to leave you just need to have some patients.

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