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Do you think that Mother’s are the greatest human beings on Earth?

Happy Mother’s Day to Moms throughout the world!!!

It’s because Mother’s are by their nature the greatest and most blessed, people on our planet. In my opinion, being a Mother is the hardest but most rewarding job, a woman could ever have. By natural ability, most are blessed with the innate ability to love, nurture, teach, mold and shape real men and women to go out and contribute to mankind. To me, this is the greatest gift anyone can give to another. I make this tribute, to my own Mother. By the grace of God, she made a man out of me and I will always love her for that.

This will be my first Mother’s Day without my Mom. She was the best Mom that anyone, could have ever been to her children. She loved us dearly and sacrificed so much, even though she didn’t have to. Oh my God, I miss her dearly but I also know, she went to a better address and one day, I will see her again.

As I write this, the tears are streaming down my face but I try not to be so sad. She wouldn’t want me to be. I know in my heart and soul that Mom will be with me tomorrow and I know, she will be proud of me and that’s all that matters. I always knew that I was a good Son to her and for that, I’m at peace, with her loss.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I love you very much!

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Ladyred · 46-50, F Best Comment
Just the fact that you are passing it on, through the a tribute to your Mother...She is proud of you, and smiling deeply at the man you have become...(;
Oster1 · M
If only you knew how kind and very sweet you are, to say that! Thank You!🤗@Ladyred

They say that the firsts without your mother are the hardest. This is my first Mother's Day without mine.
Oster1 · M
@HootyTheNightOwl Did you see it?
@Oster1 Yes, I like your post... it puts a lot into words for me, at a time when I'm struggling for words myself.

I wanted to write a poem of my own to read out at my mother's service - but I just can't write the way that I am feeling into words.
Oster1 · M
@HootyTheNightOwl Have no worries. seeing this thread, you and your Mom, seeing my words, I can't stop crying!

Bare with me, we will get through this together, OK?

I will help you, Don't you worry. I'm good with words and your feelings. 🤗🤗🤗
solitaire · 41-45, F
Personally for me, no. Since my mom barred me from entering her house 3 years ago
Oster1 · M
@solitaire I’m so sorry. That is so sad to me and I know it hurts you, dearly. It’s really a shame. I hope and pray that your relationship will be miraculously restored. I thank you so much for reading my post and your comment. I’m sending my heartfelt best wishes to you. If you need someone to talk to, please never hesitate.😔💐
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
I do ! Mom's Birthday was yesterday . Miss her very much 🌻
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If motherhood is forced on a woman against her will, she’s not a hero, she’s a victim. Motherhood is only admirable if it’s freely chosen.
revenant · F
This is an awfully nice tribute !
But not all moms are nice.
Oster1 · M
Yeah, he told me......I taught him everything, he knows about the subject!😘@revenant
revenant · F
@Oster1 and the subject is ?
Oster1 · M
Ohhhh, you are very wise, indeed.☺️

I really like that......ooops, there I go again!@revenant
solitaire · 41-45, F
Nope. For me my dad is. My mom barred me from stepping into her house 3 years ago. She has her reasons. We live in different countries and when she dies I won’t be able to attend her funeral
Oster1 · M
@solitaire Heart Wrenching! 😔
Gr8Guy1979 · 41-45, M
That’s deep brother I tip my hat for respects to all the mothers and single mothers and widow mothers I love you all in Christ
Oster1 · M
@Gr8Guy1979 I know you do. You are a great man. I truly feel the love, my Brother!😔🙏
Gr8Guy1979 · 41-45, M
Thanks to mom I was raised some what right oh wait the streets tought me respect lol but to all the moms you are all loved @Oster1
Wanrich5 · 41-45, M
It's a tough being a mum, even when the responsibility is shared
Oster1 · M
@Wanrich5 Yes, it is. Thank you, so much for reading and your reply!☺️
IzzyZ2002 · 22-25, F
I used to until my mother deserted us when I was 9. To put it bluntly, I hate Mothers Day. My mother went to have her own life, don't even bother to call us, and she once stood me up and didn't even apologize or felt bad about it.
Oster1 · M
@IzzyZ2002 I am so sorry that you have had to deal with this. It really hurts me and never should have happened. I understand how her selfishness has ripped your heart out. I do pray that one day, things will change. Just know, it wasn’t your fault at all and try your best to forgive. This is very sad. My best wishes, to you.🤗
Nika2002 · 22-25, F
Happy mother's day to the good moms!
Oster1 · M
Thank you, for reading my post! I really appreciate it.☺️🌸@Nika2002
OnlyRhonda · 36-40, F
Some, perhaps most are.
Oster1 · M
@OnlyRhonda This is very true, no doubt. Thank you for reading this.☺️🌷
MOONAMONA86 · 36-40, F
It’s not Mother’s Day here in Australia
Oster1 · M
@Thebartender Thank you, for reading and your reply. It means a lot to me.☺️
No, I don't think that having a child makes you great.
Without mah mumzie.. I wouldn’t be here 🥰
Mothers don't have apostrophes. They have enough problems already.... lol!
UserNotFouNd · 22-25, F
damn whyd i come across this now? its september. but i agree!! i love you mom wherever you are i hope its beautiful... :) :(
UserNotFouNd · 22-25, F
@Oster1 you think so? who knows maybe our moms are watching over us as we speak :) i hope so haha
Oster1 · M
@UserNotFouNd Bless your heart! I so hope that they are. If only you knew. I had more time with my Mother than you did. That hurts me deeply.

I know, she is still with you, like my Mom. This is such a beautiful and comforting thought. I love you, for saying that.😋💐
UserNotFouNd · 22-25, F
@Oster1 me too 🙃 and i hope your right :) and its okay :) its been hard and im barely holding on but im still alive and thats what counts :P
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Oster1 · M
@sspecAhhh, thank you. Now I understand you really couldn’t find the emoji. Hahahahaha, sometimes just text can be confusing. I thought you meant, I finally see the goodness in you. That is so funny. Please enjoy the rest of your day.😊🌺
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Oster1 · M
@sspec Awww, that really is so cute. Bless your heart, for trying so hard. You gave me the biggest smile!😊
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UserNotFouNd · 22-25, F
@Oster1 thanks thats very sweet of you. and im truly torn up about your brother. i wish these things didnt have to happen. why did we get this fate? why did we have to feel so much pain and why are we expected to go on with a bright smile? to some thats all theyll ever see of me. and i couldve done something thats the problem. i was to busy being a child to notice. my mom was struggling and i just let it happen. my whole family has been messed up since i was so young. it got better and worse and the night she died..she called. i didnt answer because i was busy watching tv or something stupid and not important. i didnt think anything of it. i went to bed and i got woken up by my father at like 4 in the morning. the fact that i remeber this so well scares me. he woke me up and said she wasnt here anymore. she made fried chicken the night she died. i havent eaten fried chicken in the last five years. how can i not think about what would have been different if i picked up that call? she wouldve still been here. id give anything for one last hug or anything just to say goodbye. you cant tell me thats not on me? that was all my fault. i couldve done something. instead of just breaking inside. now shes in a box and i cant od anything abuut it. and i might be assuming but im sure she was planning to die. i dont know why i didnt realize at the time. the day she died is the day of my dad and my stepmothers anniversary. they were married two years before she died.

do you see it now? im for sure responsible for this. we dont have to lie about it. my mom is gone and thats on me...

thanks a million seriously for letting me vent and reassuring me you are an amazing guy. keep being you ok?
Oster1 · M
@UserNotFouNd No, you are not responsible but more a victim of coincidences. Yes. I can understand you totally and honestly, I feel the same way about my Brother. It’s only natural that you do. I felt the same way.

It was not you, that caused this unforgettable tragedy. You had nothing to do with this. Maybe you need someone who is more skilled in helping you. I just only have my own life experiences to rely on and convey to you.

It does hurt me to feel your pain and self doubt. It’s a horrible feeling. I really want the best for you and to live a fulfilling life, in honor of your Mother.
UserNotFouNd · 22-25, F
@Oster1 thank you so much. i mean you only know my name.. just thank you! i wat the best and more for you because you deserve it. ill try to get out of this slump okay? just thanks for everything! while i still believe i was a trigger for the death im gonna keep trying. thanks for the strength youve lent me and if you ever need some back pls let me know. dont know how long i can hold this mood for but ill try okay? thanks for the encouraging words and the minature therapy session :)

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