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Is it normal to experience anxiety and nausea after a loved one's death?

My grandma recently died. I sometimes get bouts of anxiety and nausea. I can't always eat and when I can, the food just doesn't taste the same anymore.

I was wondering if this is normal?
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it was normal for me.

when my dad died, i cried myself sick for 4 days. i lost 10 lb.s. in just less than 3 weeks. food was... difficult, and so were a lot of things. i drank high-calorie protein shakes, and kept hydrated, once i made my way back to eating, sleeping well, leaving the house. then i had to blend food for a while, because as soon as i would start chewing, i felt nauseous. eventually, my full appetite came back, and then i got back to light exercise. grief is a heavy load.

i'm sorry you lost your grandma. *hug*
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@SW-Userthank you. the only exercise I can handle right now is Belly dance. my grandma used to love watching me dance, and critiquing me lol.
Absolutely. Grief can manifest itself in many ways, including not being able to eat or keep anything down.. Sincerest condolences. 🙁
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@bijouxbroussard thank you. Its hard. My great Aunt wants me to eat. I'm hungry but all i can stomach is tea.
MandyAus · 36-40, M
I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. Losing a loved one is the most traumatic experience one can have in life so feeling nauseous is normal for many. We all go through different emotions and hence our responses can be different to others,. You are normal. There are considered nine stages of grief and whilst we all don't go through all nine, we do experience many and varied emotions. I know words mean very little at this stage but please know that time is a wonderful will get through this and slowly but surely remember the great times with your precious Grandma as the pain of loss will diminish...
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@MandyAus my mom died when I was 16. and i still don't like talking about her much. No one really realised how much my grandma kept us all together. Its hard.
SmartKat · 61-69, F
I don’t know if there’s any one “normal” reaction to this kind of loss.

When my mother died (2 1/2 years ago), immediately around that time, I just felt exhausted. Right after we got back from the funeral, I fell asleep on the couch for several hours.

Emotionally, my first noticeable reaction was anger, and that really surprised me. I was angry that this had happened. I was just so angry at the event, and (probably a good thing) I couldn’t point the anger at any person, because there was absolutely no one who contributed to my mom’s death. She just got sick, and it was an unusual enough form of cancer that the doctors didn’t have a lot of past information to draw from. Even at the time I honestly believed the doctors tried their best. My dad loved her and gave her the best of care. So there was no person I could feel angry at - but I was furiously angry at the situation. I remember coming here to SW and posting a question, wondering if it’s normal to feel anger when someone has died.

Then for about the next year, I was physically sick, first with flu and then with pneumonia.

This is what happened with me. I wish I could tell you that there’s a predictable way that you’ll be feeling, and maybe the stages of grief could be a useful thing to look at.

But I do suspect that people’s reactions to losing someone can vary from person to person.

I am so sorry for your loss. I know it hurts.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@SmartKat my grandpa has Alzheimer's and is always asking for her. She took care of him instead of going to kidney dialysis. Its sad because now my grandpa can afford all around care that he couldn't get when she was alive. That's what's so sick about it. Sometimes I eat and it doesn't taste like food.

Other time i have so much anxiety and nausea that I can only have tea.

My husband hasn't said one thing of comfort to me and my kids. Not one. And I want to call her up. and I can't. I called my grandma no less than 3x a week since I lived an hour away.

And I can't.
Elisbch · M
Yes it's normal. Grief can manifest itself in many ways.
I'm sorry for your loss 💔
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@Elisbch thank you.
Yeah that's definately normal
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Also this
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Remember: it's your grief process and no one else's.

I am grieving my dad's passing (as of last summer). I thought I was doing ok, until I got home from the funeral, wherein I hyperventilated for a good 30 seconds. My blood pressure also shot up and I went on medication.
So, physical manifestations are commonplace.

Sorry to hear about your grandma.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
lucky you, my Gran just passed too, and I all but celebrated her passing.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@WolfGirlwh0r3 was she a mean Grandma?

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