iCara · F
I think it's good to give them a little bit when they first start doing chores, but only a dollar or so as they don't really need it at that age.
At around 11/12 or when they start wanting to go out and buy clothes or games or whatever I'd say raise it, I used to get $5 a week at that age. But only if they do chores.
At around 11/12 or when they start wanting to go out and buy clothes or games or whatever I'd say raise it, I used to get $5 a week at that age. But only if they do chores.
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
We always got a dollar on Sunday... not really an allowance, but it made me eat my vegetables
Invisible · 26-30, M
Don't give them anything that they won't put enough value on. How much value is right is up to you.
I'm still waiting to have a child :/
Invisible · 26-30, M
It's never too early to start wasting all of your money on your kid(s)
Sigh :( true I guess..
Sadie14 · F
As soon as those little minions are willing to work for it.