PhoenixPhail · M
As lonely as I was, my best childhood memories are those of being alone.
MarmeeMarch · M
I had tons of best childhood memories - and this is only an example my dad told me to get the paper outside and I found a new toy tractor in the driveway for my birthday.
Caprice · 41-45, F
Playing in the creek, climbing trees and collecting caterpillars. Eating mulberries and drinking the nectar from honeysuckle. Running barefoot through the warm grass. Good times:)
Playing in the creek, climbing trees and collecting caterpillars. Eating mulberries and drinking the nectar from honeysuckle. Running barefoot through the warm grass. Good times:)
Fantabulous · 46-50, F
Christmas before my sister died...we had the best times, but things changed after that.
PhoenixPhail · M
Being alone in my tree house. I could get away from the whole world.
Meli4win · 31-35, F
i have many good memorys. Riding tours, sitting on the campfire with my dad and his employees. When mum teach me swimming and a few years later imum and i together teach it to my younger sister. Dod show me how to drive an Unimog and many more.
MarmeeMarch · M
Birth till the day I was no longer a child - I had an absolutely fantastic childhood.

I could write an essay on it but the one that comes to my mind is playing hide and seek in elementary school till 9 lol
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Parents getting divorced.
nevergiveup · M
leaving home at 16
nevergiveup · M
leaving home at 16
Maeve19 · F
Juvie 😂
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M