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Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
I know@charley . Because we are mothers! The only choice if we are depressed is to fight to survive, for our children. The only choice is to go back “up” for them. 💙
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Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
I am so sorry to hear this. That’s why it is not bad to seek a professional , rather than turning into drugs and other vices. I went through it myself from my miscarriage. I am still here standing, because I care more of my child. I seek help from people who can help me. @charley]
LyricalOne · F
If you're talking depression, it's not of a person's own creation, it's a disease of the brain.
Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
Yes, he went hysterical and cried as I don’t want to move back there again. In the last 10 years we kept on moving back there for like 6 times already because he gets bored living in the same place. I don’t want to move as I feel sorry for my daughter, having to move schools all the time because his dad wanted us to. He thinks that by moving all the time, it can make him happy. So I said,he needs to get well, this time, it will be without me and my daughter.@LyricalOne So sad, but I can’t cope anymore. We need peace.
LyricalOne · F
@Bittersweet84 It’s a very difficult situation but it sounds like you’re doing exactly the right thing for yourself and your daughter. Hopefully your decision to separate will be the impetus for him to seek help but regardless, you must do what you have to as a mother. I wish you all the very best.
Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
Thank you@LyricalOne . I hope that he could his life sorted. So that we can all get on with our lives.
Danez · M
I could never, but if I ever did I’m so terribly sorry.
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
My whole family does that.....I used to do that.
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
That's the case with my father.
Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
I know, but if I try to help my husband a suggest a professional help, he goes mental at me.@ItsGonnaBeOk
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
@Bittersweet84 give him the love he wants I guess, and then maybe have a clear talk with him
lancetroy · 31-35, M
Very true statement
Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
It’s heartbreaking. 💔@lancetroy
lancetroy · 31-35, M
@Bittersweet84 yeah I've been through it and seen others go through it
Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
I know. 😓@lancetroy

Yes I can relate hugs 🤗 I’m sorry you have to deal with that

I am gonna send it to my future wifey

Drama is stupid
Bittersweet84 · 36-40, F
Apparently, it’s not a drama. He is depressed.Even if it’s nasty to think he is selfish, but he could put his self back up. For the sake of his own daughter.@SW-User