@TuxedoMask so when some shit happens to your kids, and you'll have them no matter what you claim on your profile...
you'll be ok with that?
have a nice day piece of shit.
I think many people provide phones for their kids when they are 13 but she should agree you will have access to her phone and review what she is doing.
I'd get her one just in case of emergencies, just get one of the 'old' phones that don't have internet and then put her on a phone plan so that she can only call family.
There's no other reason to have one at that age, other than because the other kids have one.
I think 13 is fine, i got my first one when i was 14. You can alwats get her a straight talk (just pay each month with a card if you don’t pay you don’t get charged) so if you decide she’s not ready just don’t get a new card. It’s about 40 for a months card.
Have a child,a similar age. And we have a Family spate phone,which all our kids can use to message there friends. And if the eldest goes out,she takes the phone. Only costs £4 a month
I think it all depends if they need one. My son didn't want one but it's so useful if he has one. He's very responsible with it.
I got my first phone when I was 19. Times are different now, I'd say 13 is definitely old enough... the plus side is that you'll always be able to contact her.
You decide if she "needs one." My grandsons all have after school.activities and need a way to stay in touch for their "chauffeur," son the received phones.
On the one hand there is the peer pressure she might be under and it is good to have one in emergencies. On the other there's her "safety" and cost to consider. Hate to be in your shoes to be honest.