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How can I help my sister ?

My sister is having a baby girl in August she's really scared. She's too young to be having a baby she's 18 19 next month. She's still a kid herself. She's worried her daughter might not have a father she and him keep having problems they have an on and off relationship he's too old for her. He's old enough to be her dad. She's worried she'll be alone. Also she has a huge fear of hospitals she can't stand needles she freaks out if she gets a shot she doesn't want an IV stuck in her she hates them more. How can I help her ?
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HoldMeCloser · 56-60, M
@Greenbare Ugh. That's a horrible statement.

Most people throughout history were born out of wedlock. Sure, is nice to have two parents but most people who grow up with one are perfectly fine.

And 18 is past her prime? Are you Mormon (the idiot ones not the normal ones) or something?

I'm so sorry that you have been brainwashed so thoroughly.
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GlitterBug · 22-25, F
Encouragement. If you really want to go the extra mile for her you can offer to help her with the child when she needs the help. As for needles and hospitals, lot of people are going for at home births, don’t think there’s many needles if any but the pain is worse without an epidural. On a side note if she has the baby in a hospital and gets the epidural do not let her see the needle she’d probably freak out, it’s huge and goes right in your spine.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Fear is a natural part of our survival instincts. Reassure her that women her age have been having babies since the beginning of time. As for the father if he's not willing to be a constant and helpful partner move on without him. When she finds a man who loves her he will love her child too. Good luck and enjoy being the favorite aunt. 😃
HoldMeCloser · 56-60, M
Tell her you'll be there to hold her hand or give a hug, now and any time in the future.

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