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Talking to my 14 year old foster daughter that I literally met not even an hour ago...

She wasn't being too kind towards me, which I completely understand and it's okay, but I told her I know her and her brother has had to move around a lot, it sucks and it's scary and I told her she can trust me, and she said, "no. You're wrong. I can't trust anybody. The ONLY person who has not left my side, is my brother and I've had to be his mom and protector for 6 years.. nobody gives a shit about me, and nobody gives a shit about him except for me." That right there broke my freaking heart.
PunishedJenny · 56-60, F Best Comment
God bless you for taking her in. I hope you show her all the love in the world and that she IS wanted and IS special and that you're there to help her in any way you can
annamarie65 · 56-60, F
@Candace oh i know...i couldnt handle giving a child up that i have fallen in love with...i could never put them back into the system ...especially since the system is against them.
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annamarie65 · 56-60, F
@Candace it is wrong for the system to keep shuffing them off from one to another, why not leave them in one home...till they are adopted instead of doing that to is no wonder they have issues in school and in life, without ever getting to trust or love someone as they should be allowed to do....

TexChik · F
When I was adopted I was scared ... afraid that someone mean who take me to hurt me like my biologic father did . I was 11. But my adoptive parents gave me somebody to love . It took a while to warm up to them even though I had known them for a while before I escaped from my father. She’s broken , But you know that . Let’s hope love will heal them
TexChik · F
@silentwriter180 please ... I’d love to read it 😊
silentwriter180 · 51-55, F
@TexChik Just posted it below...(short version about what this woman has done for me but you'll get the idea)
TexChik · F
@silentwriter180 I saw ! How wonderful !!! 😁
silentwriter180 · 51-55, F
When I was three, I lived in a pretty close knit neighborhood. Basically, where everyone looked out for each other in a way. It was late evening, and I was at a friends house. There was a couple there visiting who just got married, and were on their way to Hawaii to spend their lives together. The woman knew that I didn't live there, got concerned about my being there so late with no one looking for me, she was told that my mother was always at the bar, and didn't really take care of me. So, this newly married couple went to her and told her what they were doing and that they would like to take me with them. My bio mother was elated that she didn't have to take care of me anymore. So, I went with them and was legally adopted by the age of 7. I just recently found out that my bio mother was about to send me off to India to live in a religious commune.

Everyday, I am grateful for this woman who took me under her wing. She is an amazing woman who has been my mom for the last 47 years!
TexChik · F
@silentwriter180 47 yers! I’m so jealous
Jonjdw · 46-50, M
@silentwriter180 that is great. Think of so many that did not get so lucky.
silentwriter180 · 51-55, F
Understandable, as I've been there. Makes me wonder just how many foster homes they've been in. At least she and her brother are still together, that's important. May take a little while to form a trustworthy relationship with her, but don't stop trying. All you can really do is offer her the love that only a parent can.
He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic , rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In !

From the poem " Outwitted
Edwin Markham
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@Candace 🙂 So do I.
Give her time show her you can be trusted but it will take time and it cant be rushed
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@Candace It is heart breaking to think what she's had to endure to get that level of cynicism and skepticism for someone so young.
TacoCat · 22-25, M
That's not surprising that she feels that way
Lofms · M
My prayers are with you. I have experience with foster kids from my family/community.

I don't know if I'd be any use, but willing to chat if ya want. Shoot me a message if want to.
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Jonjdw · 46-50, M
I hope that you can change that. It can happen over time. As you prove it to them. I was in foster care as a child too and my younger sister.
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Jonjdw · 46-50, M
@Candace I hope so too. Me and my sister got to go back to our parents after a couple of different foster homes. We were even split up for at lest one home. It's hard to remember. The last home we where together.
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NickiHijab · F
That’s heart breaking.😕 It’s gonna take a lot for her to be able to trust someone but it’s possible if no one gives up on her.
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NickiHijab · F
@Candace I think it’s beautiful what you’re doing. It’s unfortunate there’s kids out there that feel this way but as long there’s people like you out there, there’s still hope for them to find happiness. I hope she does eventually🙂
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TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
tough life going from home to home, never having anywhere permanent
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stick57 · 70-79, M
Young broken heart protecting her own
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
😢Poor girl.
jenmil · 22-25, F
it will take time to win her over but just be a mother to her and give it time
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@Candace i have 2 step kids and one adopted. The step kids was not only was hard work but frightening to. I had no experience with children and to suddenly have 2. One was 9 and the other was 4.
chrisCA · M
Are you confident that she will become friends with your oldest?
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chrisCA · M
@Candace Cool
Chickie · F
I have heard about the horror stories that foster kids go through. She may have been through a lot give her time and maybe she'll warm up to you?

Sorry, I'm not very helpful but please continue to love and support her and her brother

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