LyricalOne · F
Do they also have to ride in a horse and buggy?
@LyricalOne roflmao
LadyGrace · 70-79
I’m for being modest and dressing lady-like, but there’s such a thing as being too strict. Just wait until your girls leave home and see how they dress. You’ve taken this to the extreme.

Are you a time traveller From the past?🤔
Bernat · 56-60, M
Whoa. Long sleeves?
fazer1k · 56-60, M
Don't you worry that they will rebel later when they are older? Your rules seem overly strict.

Me2 and I am glad all my 4 follow what I instruct


Zsuzsanna1 · 41-45, F
You were born 100 years too late.

Do your sons follow the same rules? If you have any.
I don't think obessing what other people choose to do is very healthy so why let it drive you crazy?
I don't think obessing what other people choose to do is very healthy so why let it drive you crazy?
I think they are gonna wear what they like anyways after they cross 15 or something
adelesmith · 31-35, F
My mother has the same rules when I grow up, especially no bare legs, she was very strict about that so I was always wearing tights.
JohnYahYah · 61-69, M
It sort of sounds as if they are dressed like 80s businesswomen...

bijouxbroussard · F
Well, never fear---in some parts of the world women and girls have to wear burkas.
nate2244 · 41-45, M
If I had daughters I would jump off of a building.I honestly would have no idea what to do.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Long sleeves in summer. Are u nuts
Zsuzsanna1 · 41-45, F
@smileylovesgaming She must be