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HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
No, being a parent doesn't give you the right to be violent. You ought to be even more respectful than your kids. At least that's what my mom says 🖤 and I really agree with her values
A spank on the bum when she is out of line, but never a slap in the face or anywhere else.
I saw that video of the mother slapping her 9 year old in the car. Made me sick.
I saw that video of the mother slapping her 9 year old in the car. Made me sick.
GentleJoe · 61-69, M
I don't believe anyone has the right to slab anyone else, unless its self defense.
It's never okay, but I suppose it might be 'expedient' at times. I don't think a father should slap his daughter, but I could see where a mother might slap her daughter if the child had stepped far enough out of line.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Yah. I got slapped by mum. Sorted me out when I needed it I suppose. Discipline yo
NoSugar · 22-25, F
my parents never hit me in the face only on the bum
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@NoSugar Stop being naughty.😏
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No. If she hasn't started her menses, I believe spankings are acceptable under certain conditions, but if she has started menses, she is a woman and other forms of punishment should be used. I think positive reinforcement for good behavior is more effective than negative reinforcement for bad behavior.
RaemaSnr · 22-25, F
Depends on what she did
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
There's only one thing they can say that could potentially make me slap them.. And then they'd have their mouth washed out with soap after..
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
Honeylove · 46-50, F
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smiler2012 · 61-69
geminyoure three questions come to mind how old is she what has she done and where are you planning to slap her
wintersecret · 41-45, M
depends on her age, her mischief.
but if psb, try to handle the situation with soft talks
but if psb, try to handle the situation with soft talks
It's not a good idea, first always tell them in speech
Under some circumstances, sure.
@SW-User It might be weird but I think a 'mother' would not be out of line under certain conditions if she slapped her daughter, but I think a 'father' should never slap his daughter or spank her after she has had her flowers.
@puck61 Well things change over time, for sure, but I'm not sure I would 100% rule it out.
RemovedUsername632602 · 31-35, M
Did she have a mosquito on her?
Is she being a cunt ?
SapphicHeart · F
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
chrisCA · M