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Is it okay for a man to leave state while his baby is on the way?

What are your thoughts on a father leaving his baby's mother and unborn not long before the due date? To be putting himself first in that situation- under any circumstance in that particular area. Real thoughts and genuine feedback would be appreciated.
Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
It's easy to say that there is no excuse but to be honest sometimes shits happens (work, unexpected situations etcs) the real question is how hard is he working to be there?
Glothic · 22-25, F
@Curiousguy833 Yeah, I've had alleged heart-to-hearts with him. He knew how scared I was when he left... But unfortunately it's all about him still. Which means it's better that he's left, considering the kind of person he would be to our child in that case. It's just a tough situation to accept at this point.
Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
I know, but if you think you did the best that you would then there is nothing more anyone can ask from you.

You just need to tale a breath and take things one day at a time and look forward. Make you have some sort of support system (a friend or family that you have there with you)

But remember that day that you tried to talk to him and give him a chance. Remember how you felt because in the future when you are doing better he will most likely come back and want to be part of your life in some way. Remember that deadbeats will always be deadbeats!
Glothic · 22-25, F
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
That's a dick move.
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
@CrustyDDingus Unless he has no choice I suppose
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
I was in that situation. And my thoughts are, it’s the loneliest and scariest feeling in the world. Just glad that I was still pregnant when he returned. Bad move on his part.
Glothic · 22-25, F
@NaturalBeautyQueen Is it alright to shoot you a message?
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
@Glothic certainly
Bleedingheart11 · 46-50, F
Everybody has their own story and circumstances. If he was leaving the state to visit his buddies and party, that would be selfish. If he was leaving the state because an ex wanted help moving, that would be selfish. If he was leaving the state because he was in the military and was being deployed, that would not be selfish and is a legitimate reason. If he was leaving the state because a parent was dying, that would also not be selfish and would be a legitimate reason. Out of context, it is impossible to say.
Glothic · 22-25, F
@Bleedingheart11 To be putting himself first, I probably should have elaborated that, that meant to focus on him, he had a choice, etc...
Bleedingheart11 · 46-50, F
@Glothic in that case, it is irresponsible of him. His life is no longer about him alone. It's now about his child as well as his child's mother. I really hope he gets his stuff figured out and starts to focus on his new family.
Glothic · 22-25, F
@Bleedingheart11 Those are my thoughts as well... you cannot be selfish anymore.. if not the baby's mom, then for your child because that IS an obligation forever..
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Like leave her forever or just temporarily? Without an actual reason like work then its wrong. Idk though i didnt need my husband with me when i had my children, i kind of nest and want to be alone.
Glothic · 22-25, F
@Flenflyys The time frame was never set in stone.
Blooo · 26-30, M
Depends when is the baby due and how long he's leaving. I guess it's not, because anything could happen AND the mother may need his presence during this kind of moment in a couple/family's life, ya know
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
"To work on himself" no not okay. But if he has doubts about his abilities to handle or support a new born then I would be concerned. He would need encouragement not time away from the situation.
Obviously its not ideal nor considerate of him but thats the kinda guy he is so.. 😒
Glothic · 22-25, F
@SStarfish Sadly.
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Glothic · 22-25, F
@IstillmissEP Thank you for just being that kind of person honestly.
i think he will be a terrible father sorry
It depends on why he's leaving
Worthless man
Bubbles · 36-40, F
Would probably depend on why he is leaving
Bubbles · 36-40, F
@Glothic seems a little strange for sure. Possibly just freaking out over the responsibility that is coming his way. Very selfish for sure, but I would say more a sign of immaturity, thus wouldn't condemn him for it.
Glothic · 22-25, F
@Bubbles Undoubtedly.
Glothic · 22-25, F
@Bubbles Though, the mother doesn't get that luxury.. having a kicking, stretching baby inside of you that you'll have to endure excruciating pain to get out, is much scarier than just being there and taking part of the responsibility of baby. Baby is the new obligation.. and if you do not view them as a priority at this time, you probably never will because that's just demeanor.
cereal · 22-25, F
I mean, if he's planning to come back that's a little bit better, but still not cool.
Depends on the context and reason behind leaving.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
No. It isn’t
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Just... wow.
VAMPFREAKZ69 · 46-50, M
I think not
Depends on the situation. My sister's husband took a job on an out of state project that meant a huge payment for him. It was money they really needed, so Sis consented. My niece was born early, so her father met her the following week.
Glothic · 22-25, F
@bijouxbroussard Yeah, that's completely understandable though.

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