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It’s unreal that it’s already been two years…

I dreamed about my mother last night; she hugged me and said, "you’ll be okay" (which she often told me).

It’s like another friend told me, grief is fluid.

Sometimes the understanding that I’ll never see her again in this lifetime is overwhelming.

Other times now, I can recall the best memories of my life with her and feel grateful for them.

This is the new normal. 🥺
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FreddieUK · 70-79, M
My mother died 4 days into 2022 at 93. It was peaceful and although I couldn't get there in time two of my siblings were with her as she slipped away. I am content that it was natural and normal and she was definitely ready to go. BUT I still miss her and now and again I catch myself thinking of what I am going to tell her about what I've been doing or wondering what she will say when she finds out!! It's the sudden and totally unexpected tearing up that takes my by surprise sometimes. Grief is such an odd thing. Hold on to those good memories.
@FreddieUK My condolences. I have the same experiences. 🫂
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard Thank you.
bowman81 · M
She lives on with you Bijoux. There is a life after death. You will be okay. She helped give you the tools you need to assure that. I surely and sorely miss my loved ones, yet they live on with me. I'm okay with that.
Intuitive · F
I'm so sorry. My mom has been gone a long time now and not a day goes by that I don't think of something she would have said.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
The first time my late father appeared in a dream, I asked him if I would see him again. "From time to time" was his response, and not only was that a typically brief "dad" response, that has also been the case. Every so often, he'll make an appearance of some kind. And, I'm never sad, I'm happy to have had a little more time with him.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Update: "saw" him last night. It was so nice to experience.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Out of the blue, I had a dream about my father the other night.

I suppose these kinds of dreams will always take us by surprise. I am glad that yours was so positive.

When I dream about my parents, they are oddly "normal" dreams set in the past.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
I lost mine when i was 18. Nothing and no one in this world will ever come close to replacing her. I cannot even describe how much she is missed because there are no words. My 2 children are buried next to her. In my heart i know that i will see them again.
@AngelUnforgiven I’m so, so sorry. 🫂
The finality of death, the slamming of life’s door, is chilling. And unfortunately there are no magic words to make the pain go away. As the waves of grief ebb and flow, just know that there are people here who care about you and are enveloping you with love and the warmest of hugs. 🫂
@OlderSometimesWiser Thank you. 🤗
Stephie · 22-25, F
Alas, everyone will at one time in their lives have to suffer the same fate as you did. I also lost a person that is very dear to me and I know exactly what you are going through. No matter how many years it has been, the pain remains.

Live the present but with the memories of the past
I'm so sorry for your loss. That weeping angel statue is powerful BTW.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
For some reason, this morning I was thinking it's been 25 years since my Mom died and I still miss her.
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
I cried reading this. I miss my dad.
@mindstruggle My condolences. 🥺🫂
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
Vin53 · M
Dreams of my deceased daughter are the closest thing to making me religious.
@Vin53 🫂
Seeing my dad in a dream always makes me sad. I'm not sure why. But it'll hang around in my head for days, in a melancholy way.
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
My condolences for your loss
@Anniedlr Thank you. 🙏🏽
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
You never forget those you love. 🤗
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F

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