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She left a wonderful legacy

My Grandma passed away from cancer years ago, but during her last year of life she made EVERYONE all of her brothers and sisters, all of her kids, all of her grandkids, and everyone else a family tree scrap book with everyone's wedding photo's and family pictures with everyone's name's and birthdates! They were so creative, she used magazines and craft paper, ribbon, and stickers to decorate them! They were well done, and everyone got one! Also growing up she had all of these magazine subscriptions and piles and piles of magazines in the pink room on the dresser, I always read the magazines and she would let me bring them home throughout my life.... The greatest gift she gave me was a 3 year subscription to Readers Digest after she passed away!!! Every time I received a magazine in the mail I would cry because it reminded me of Grandma still giving me her magazines.... She was a gem! She was a saint! She was my most favorite person I have ever known.
eyeno · M
Such a great gift 👍🏻
saintsong · 41-45, F
@eyeno I know right?! It meant so much to me, even after she had passed she continued to give!
Gibbon · 70-79, M
My grandmother on my father's side was my favorite off all the family on both sides. Late in life I found out against my late mothers will I was adopted. It actually had little effect on me except looking back provided explanation why I seem to be treated a bit different by various aunts and uncles. And still haven't found forgiveness for the cousin that broke my mother's wishes especially being my mother was her favorite aunt. When I think of my grandmother she always treated me as someone special. We played cards and board games together when I was young. Parcheesi was her favorite. She also read tea leaves which was fun to watch when I brought along a friend or girlfriend along when we would travel to Maine to visit her.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
A remarkable person. And a well written memory. I can understand how badly you miss her.

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