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Mum - I'm so Sorry ❤️❤️

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Mum, I would give my life for u. I didnt mean to hurt you or upset you. I would rather you slapped me or hit me, u not talking to me is driving me crazy and insane. You know I cannot do without you.

Mum warned me. My uncle is not in very good health but he's always a good person but he's very abrupt and sometimes inconsiderate at times. Recently he said something I didn't like and mum told me to let it go, his health isnt good and I must overlook it. So I told her I'm doing it for you only.

We went to visit, and I cannot remember the topic but my dad got mentioned and he made some comments I did not like. Mum looked at me and shook her head saying no to me. But I could feel myself getting heated up. The final straw came when he mentioned mum and how she did certain things incorrect and she screwed up and she's stupid and even my dad was stupid.

I lost it and I let him have it. I told him what for, highlighting whatever he screwed up in life and picked up a fork and told him never to mention mum again. In that rage mum tried to stop me and I told her to "be quiet". Probably shouldn't have but to defend her I couldn't help it.

No shes not talking to me and worse she gets a call that his health has reached a stage where nothing can be done.

I don't know what to do
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP Best Comment
😀 Oh dear youve gone and done it again, havent you. 😂 It appears you have a bit of a temper . 🤷

Never mind.. as long as you left Uncle Breathing. All will eventually be forgiven .& You and Queen Mum will be right as rain soon its simply a matter of hours & minutes 🐒

Which is lovely btw 🍒
@Kae20 if anyone deserves it, it's u always ❤️❤️
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
@SilentKiller aww you are lovely, bless you x
@Kae20 bless you too ❤️❤️

DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Honestly I can’t blame you for the way you reacted. It’s really a shame she won’t talk to you. Maybe you should remind her of the fact that your uncle isn’t in good health and you would like to know about how he is doing. Because she is kind of being selfish in my honest opinion In these circumstances
@DeluxedEdition thank you for that ❤️

Mum has 3 brothers in total. 2 of them passed on last year in the space of 6 months. It broke the sibling chain and she hasnt recovered mentally. The one brother left has health issues and doctors say it's jus a matter of time. I understand her feelings and maybe that's the reason why she doesn't want to talk to me. My protective feelings for her are very strong. That's why she warned me but I didn't listen
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@SilentKiller sometimes our emotions get the better of us 😔
@DeluxedEdition u so right about that. And then u end up regretting. As much as I can't do without her or can't deal with her not talking to me, I guess I slipped up in my own way and need to make it up to her. Trying to give her some space but it's harder for me
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
Sorry about your situation . My Dad was that way . nobody was immune to his rudeness .

You have to be the bigger person . Mom comes first . He may say things he doesn't realize he is saying and probably won't remember having said .

Wishing you luck 🙏🕯️ 🙏 🌹
@anoderod55 hi there 🙂

Not really worried about uncle for now. I understand mum's worry and disappointment. But she's not talking to me at all. I always told her that I wouldn't let anyone say anything about her. She warned me to overlook it but my instinct to protect her and defend her got the better of me. Now I don't know what to do cos she's totally ignoring me

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