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Christmas Time

Every year we decide to get our daughter 1 big (expensive) gift, along with many little gifts. This year we a little strapped on cash and luckily she is 5 so we got her one of those sketchpad projectors from flycatcher. Its bluetooth and teaches you how to draw step by step. Last year was her trampoline.

What is that 1 big gift you got for your kid(s) this year?
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Youngsters don't care.
They'll be thrilled opening boxes and bags knowing the contents are theirs rather than what's inside.

Way too much aggro. trying to shop this year what with short supply lines; distribution problems and (it has to be said) companies online lying that they either have or are expecting delivery of any particular product when the reality is they advertize it but just haven't got it.
Nor are they likely to.

So mine all got cash this year.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I don't know if it's still a thing for kids to use a pen and circle the toys they wish for in the toys store catalogue. That's how me and my siblings did every year and I got at least one thing I wished for every year.

- The Barbie nut cracker princess
- A Barbie Horse and a wagon
- A pen and drawing kit
- Drawing blocks
- Beading pearls to make jewelery
- A fairytale book
- Lion king on cassette with a book
- Glow in the dark stars for the ceiling
- Some plushie

The only thing I waited on many years was a doctor's kit. But I finally got it when I wasn't liking it anymore 😂
@Queendragonfly YES we did too!! I TRY to get her the 1 main thing she asks for, because i know kids change there minds each year! This year the main thing she ask for is a iphone. Im sorry but I am not getting a 5 year old a iphone lol.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Idk, don't have kids.. but I as a kid always enjoyed puzzles. There are many kinds, low and high prices. I was particularly impressed by my first puzzle that glows in the dark. Something that feels so nice in my hand is when a puzzle has wooden pieces. Those are a little more expensive but worth it. I love artsy stuff. The first book I was highly interested in around 9yo had 1000 short interesting questions and answers. Also for kids.. maybe some not so expensive musical instrument? They can try it and if they like it, they can upgrade to a more fancy instrument later. Something new.. social games. Perhaps finding a fun social game will help them put the phone down and enjoy family time at Christmas :) The best gift? I believe the best gift is experience. Do something great for them, maybe take them out and play in the snow... or check out the light shows in cities, Make them experience being cared for and to feel how much you love them ❤ Not that you don't... just... I've noticed families falling apart and children being lonely because everyone is so busy and doesn't have time for them. As a child, what I loved most is when mommy finally once in a million had time to play with me and when I could see her smile and be happy. That's the best celebration 🥰
GunFinger · F
Got that projector sketcher 2yrs ago. My kids lost interest. Lol
She’s a child why get expensive gifts even when you’re low on cash
@SW-User trampoline, bike, Barbie dream house, everything is expensive.
Should i get her nothing?
Or a bunch of little stuff that will cost the same thing? Things she will lose. Tell me what would you do?
tiggerandariel13 · 46-50, MVIP
@ThereAreBadTimesAndGoodTimes me and my g/f have 7 girls so we let them pick out what they want
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
My daughter we got her a new cell phone. Got her a new purse and makeup. We plan to give her old phone to my other daughter. We got her protect screen and new back case for it. She won't know the difference. She got other stuff to. My boys got new toys and a few games for the Nintendo switch. my younger son and daughter got new toys and clothes they was easy. My oldest I am giving her money and some art stuff

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