Nightmare of a day
When it rains it poors. I ended up taking my boy to urgent care. I hate these places. I had a few outbursts in the waiting room, only plus to that was it got us in faster. They tested him for covid. He doesn't have it thank goodness. Said it was kind of flu or something but then the doctor turned his attention to me. I guess i look run down. I told him what ive been dealing and about my missed appointment today and he asked to run ran a few test. I agreed as long as it didn't take to long. I wanted to get my kids out of there. He said my bp was high and my heart rate was up. He wanted me to go to the er and get checked out. How was i supposed to do that. My wife wasn't answering my calls. I had both my kids. He wasn't pleased that i wouldn't go. I felt ama.
I go to drop the kids off at her house and she wasn't there. So teenager was there. Me or the kids have never seen her before so i took them home. My boy is still sick so he can't go to school. Im going to miss yet another day at work and now im worried my daughter will get sick too.
I go to drop the kids off at her house and she wasn't there. So teenager was there. Me or the kids have never seen her before so i took them home. My boy is still sick so he can't go to school. Im going to miss yet another day at work and now im worried my daughter will get sick too.