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Before we had our daughter

Things were amazing with my wife before we had our daughter. We meet at a football game tailgate party. I was amazed she wasn't turned off by my tics or outburst. We dated for almost 2 years. We went to every sporting event out there. Football baseball basketball hockey Nascar. I loved it because its the place people don't really notice my tourettes. And she loved all sports. We married and it was great. This lasted for ten years. Then we found out she was pregnant. I was excited but scared as well. Should a guy like me have kids. My daughter was a good baby. She didn't cry much unless she needed something while at home. She loved to be held. Once my wife felt she was old enough we went to a baseball game. My tiny baby screamed the whole time we were there i couldn't calm her no matter what I tried. Once in the car she was calm again. This happened every time we tried to take her with us to a game. My wife was getting frustrated with her. I told her to go without me. Id stay home with her. My wife got mad said we needed to force our daughter to get use to this. I said no. I hated seeing our little girl scream for hours.
We later found out my little girl was Hyperacusis. So once we learned this my wife went to all the games and I stayed home with our daughter. I really enjoyed it. I really didn't miss going to the game.
I don't know you but you sound like an amazing father.

When you do right by your child, that is the hallmark of a good parent: We advocate and fight (figuratively) for them.
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON thank you. I try my best

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