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It's my dad's birthday today

Last week, I asked my mom what I should get him for a birthday gift and she told me to just get him a few St. Patricks Day lottery tickets. But I thought that would be a really cheap idea for a gift and planned on getting something a little more meaningful than some stinking lottery tickets. However, when him and I were out having breakfast together last Saturday, he was going on an awful lot about the lottery at one point, talking about all the stuff he would do if he won and shit. I know he wasn't trying to give me any hints on what to get him for his birthday, but after hearing him talk about it, now I know to just do as my mom says and get him the damn lottery tickets. I see now that that's sure to make him happy. My dad's too much of a crack-up, but that's part of what makes him so awesome. 🤣

Happy birthday, dad. 💖 And good luck! 🤑
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
That's great!

My sister-in-law did the same thing without knowing that I NEVER play the lottery, don't gamble, does nothing for me. She bought me a buttload of tickets for a birthday gift. I didn't win dick. It was a terrible present and a huge waste of time. (but that's me).

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