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Job Dilemma

Story of Job Dilemma 1:
So I work in a aftercare program. We are short in staff....So I have to be in the front radioing students that is going home....While the children is going home. I have to sign them out on a app. In addition, the same phone I use to sign the children out through a app is also the same phone I use to answer phone calls from parents. My job policy is that if a child is picked up passed 6:00pm that would be considered a late pick up and if they receive more of these then the child will be removed from program. So when parents hold long conversations over the phone with me like at 5:55pm about a incident about their child.... I still have children on the app signed in....while another parent is asking for their child that I have to radio is going home. So the issue with my job is that you have parents calling the same phone I am using that I have to sign the kids out on within a app. At times I have to explain to parents that I have to sign children out through the app with the same phone I am talking to them on and we would have to continue the conversation another time. I feel like we need a security, we need another method of signing the children out where it doesn't consist of using the same phone I answer phone calls from.
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icedsky · 51-55, M
Put the phone on speaker. Bring up the app and you should be able to still sign the children out and keep the phone call going at the same time.
@icedsky That could cause issues with confidentiality unless she was to use a headset or Bluetooth device to answer the calls - then she may not properly hear responses on the radio because of having only one ear on that.
OpalFlower · 36-40, F
@HootyTheNightOwl Yup so it is a major issue until we have more staff members to help us. I feel like one phone should be used to sign out children where one person is in control of that....another phone is used to talk to parents someone else can be in control of that. Someone else can be in the front to answer parents questions....and security does the walkie talkie. But it seems like they have me doing all of these task up front of the aftercare program. Mind you the children have to be clocked out on app during the scheduled pick up time... anything before scheduled pick up time will be a early pick up anything after 6:00pm is late. So if I am on the phone with one parent...and another parent come to me in person asking for their child....I radio them the child...then I have to pause the phone call with parent to sign out the child that is currently going home is a lot especially if I have to pause the phone call so much to radio children is going home....
@OpalFlower Does the app have to be on a phone??? There's no way that it could be placed onto a tablet???

I'm sure that the staff would appreciate the separation between devices and the bigger screen that the tablet will bring you to work in.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
The phrase, "Hold please!" comes to mind.

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