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Ok so, since you're family, does that give you the right to stay in MY house & get mad at ME for going off about the filth you leave everywhere???

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Family can be the worst. Some of em ya can’t be nice to.
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If anything, family should be more respectful of your home.

@Tumbleweed I just hate when things get twisted around and you’re the one who looks like a beyotch. Like the one time I loaned a friend money and I became the bad guy because I asked for it back after a very reasonable amount of time. Lesson learned! 🤬
Tumbleweed · F
@OlderSometimesWiser Yeah, he wants to talk about HE paid the light bill last month when I paid his phone bill which was HIS idea to start with... WTF??
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JackOatMon · 46-50, M
Find another place to stay and not take advantage of you.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
That's how it be sometimes lol
Tumbleweed · F
@Mudkip Unfortunately so :(
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@Tumbleweed I can relate though 😩
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Absolutely not! You didn't take him to raise.
Tumbleweed · F
@Nitedoc Right?!?
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Tumbleweed Right!
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Yup! Keyword Is Family
Your house, YOUR rules. 😌
They should be showing more respect than average person
Nope. Def. not.
No, they should be BETTER than a roommate.
In my maternal family we have an unwritten rule, Do Not Make Messes As Guests, my paternal Grandfather had the same rule, but after he died in 1992, some family members didn't care and my grandmother kind of over looked it some.
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@Tumbleweed It's not your fault at all. When you are blessed enough to be invited into someone's home you should have respect for them and their space and be grateful.

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