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It’s nice to see how it’s all concluding

Quick recap: my oncologist told me I’m not going to be cured; this is all to prolong my life now.
Stage IV metastatic breast cancer grew significantly on my lungs these past couple months.
I’ve lost my appetite. Everything tastes wrong or rotten, or hurts my stomach. I’m coughing so much, I vomit. I’m in pain now. I’ve lost 18 pounds, and I’m incredibly weak. I’m not bedridden yet, but trying to clean the house or wash my hair lately makes me exhausted enough to pass out afterwards. I can’t take walks anymore.

So I told my family. And I said 40 years was enough for me, and I want to go home to the Lord asap. I prayed for the end. I think a lot of people reach this point.
I’m not continuing treatment, and I’m asking about a DNR on my next appointment. That was difficult for my mom to understand. “Why aren’t you going to try anymore?”
Because it’s over. There won’t be a cure.
“Why would the doctor tell you that?”
She cried, and my younger sister had to explain things to her. She’s worked with elderly people in the medical field, and has some magic way of speaking to them. I just repeat myself over and over while she’s confused and never gets it.

My sisters and I all talked about what needs to be done after; what I want as far as a burial, what becomes of my things, would I leave my nephews letters, all mom’s information that needs to be kept up on so she pays her bills and doesn’t lose the house, etc. All that afterwards stuff.

But I’m still here for who-knows-how-long. So we talked about painful things: betrayals over the years. We gave each other grace (or tried to) concerning all these accumulated ugly moments. They told me different ways they felt blessed to have had me in theirs and their families’ lives. We shared good memories.
They’ve been helping me get groceries and refill my water. One of my sisters is going to stop by more regularly to help me clean things up or run errands. Maybe I can get a wheelchair and she can help me take walks.

Yesterday, mom cleared the living room. I’d ended up having a hard conversation with her about how her hoarding has so negatively effected me. She actually listened this time. It’s not much, and she’s still hoarding it all in a different room; but she wanted to help. Seeing a clear space where there were stacks and stacks of boxes of trash before does help. I feel just a bit less stressed.

I never would have imagined they really cared. We’ve never been a great family. But they are, and I really love them.
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
Thanks for sharing this. My wife was disgnosed with stage IV lung cancer right when covid hit and has had many procedures that have prolonged her life, but its still spreading and has now spread to her brain. She's had a couple radiation treatments that seem to be slowing it down but her memory is beginning to deteriorate. She's still continuing her treatments (radiation & chemo). Yesterday she had her first blood transfusion. She's at peace with her situation and accepts it.

I'm the one having problems about it. We've been together for 30 years next week. I was lost before we got together. I don't want to be lost again. We have a helplessly disabled adult son that we have both been caring for. I always considered it to be a two person job. I feel like I'm on a sinking ship so its difficult to enjoy the time we have left and I know I will be kicking my own ass when she's gone for not making the most of this time
@Jayciedubb Thank you. I appreciate that. 🧡 I really hope she’s able to make his graduation.
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
@Colonelmustardseed IDk what I was thinking when i said "braveness." I meant bravery🙄
@Jayciedubb I didn’t even realize. 🤭
You're so special and I'm just so happy that you found the Lord and love him so much. While I don't want to see you go and will miss you, and I love you, I cannot be selfish and want to hold you here. I'm glad that you are at peace with it. It's so wonderful that you'll get to actually see God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit in person and hug them, wow!!!! Nothing is better than that is it? And forever! We cannot even fathom it. And you will never be in pain again. No more tears and no more sadness and you'll live in a brand new body all perfect and good. You will be so happy. It's hard to imagine. You'll see things and people up there and scenery that our eyes have not even beheld here on Earth before. And when I go home I will get to meet you and see you and give you great big hugs and kisses hahaha so I will be seeing you again and I think that time is coming pretty close. I believe the rapture will be here just any day now. I love you my sister in Christ. God bless you. I can't wait to see him either. It is our blessed assurance and promise in Christ and I pray that all will prepare for it. In the meantime, I pray for the easiest transition for you and that they will keep you pain free with medications. I will keep you in my prayers each day. You can bet I will never forget you. I love you so much. You're just the sweetest person in the world. And I will be praying for your family each day as well, even as you are in heaven. ❤🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🫂🫂🫂💕💕
@Colonelmustardseed I sure wish I was there to help you honey. I'm sorry. But I am thankful I can pray for you everyday. I love you so much.
@LadyGrace I love you. Thanks for being there for me how you can be, my sister in Christ.
@Colonelmustardseed I will always be here for you. That's a promise.
Lilymoon · F
This is all very distressing news. I'm so very sorry.
Are you sure you want to discontinue treatment? You could still have months more.
I'm hoping you will give it some more thought.
Also good to hear your family is behind you. That means everything.
@Lilymoon Yes, I’m ready to go. I’m just hoping it’s not too painful and drawn-out.
Lilymoon · F
@Colonelmustardseed you are a very strong woman. I hope you continue on for as long as possible. I hope you're on pain meds
deadteddy · 26-30, F
As much as it’s hard to say this, I hope you get to share moments and reconnect with your family now toward the end of your path on this earth. Family is so crucial under these circumstances. May your passing be as serene as possible, and that you receive all the love from your loved ones and that are able to express your love towards them as well. That’s all that truly matters in the end. No material things will ever compare to the feeling of being loved. And from what you’ve described they seem to really care for you, I’m sure of that. So you’re already blessed to have that. I wish you all the best and that one day you’re able to rest from all this pain. God bless you.
@deadteddy God bless you too. Thank you so much. This is true. This is what matters in the end; not all that stuff before.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Your strength and truth is profoundly humbling to me. To have those difficult conversations and make peace with family truly speaks to the love you have for one another.

Please know you are in my heart.
Umile · 41-45, F
It's amazing how family bands together in times of need.

I don't know what to say.

But, I hope you're at peace, and I'm praying for you.

I don't even know you, but I'm crying.

@Umile Thank you. It is nice. They surprised me.
Umile · 41-45, F
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
I've learned that you truly find out who your real family is during a time like this. When my mom was in the final stages of the cancer that took her life, several of her sisters were there constantly. It made it easier to deal with having them there.

I'm so sorry to hear of you situation but my heart is lightened hearing that they're there for you. I pray you will find comfort in that
@JohnnyNoir I’m sorry for your loss, and that it was that way. I’m glad they came together for her when she really needed it. It’s true that sometimes, families fall apart in those times. So it’s such a blessing when everyone cares instead.
I'm so sorry to hear this, it's hard to find all the words.

You are in my prayers 🙏
@BritishFailedAesthetic It’s a good thing. I just want to be with the Lord now. I feel like it’s taking too long.
I don't know what your situation is but my sister in law had breast cancer and she lived for years before finally dying. She died last October.
@Spoiledbrat I’m sorry for your loss. 🫂
@Colonelmustardseed Thank you. I'm sorry for you too.
@Spoiledbrat It’s okay. It’s been an eventful enough few decades. I don’t need any more.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I can only imagine how you are feeling
Sending all the love I can to you💙
I’m glad you have them and that you are getting closer, even if it’s under these circumstances
@JRVanguard Thank you.
Bleak · 36-40, F
Don’t discontinue treatment. You are strong. You can do it.
@Bleak No. Everyone doesn’t get cured. My oncologist was very clear that I’m not going to be cured. Treatment now is only for dragging my life out for as long as possible. That’s still not going to be long. My health is tanking, so treatment would make me suffer even more for the duration of it. I’m not doing that.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
They really love you too. I’m so sorry
Plasticbag · 100+, M
Lots of love to you 💜
Oh Sweetheart.
I wish you peace and for your family too.
You were one of my first friends here

Big hugs xx
@InOtterWords Thank you. 🫂🧡
Your life mirrors a close friend's. I wish you both peace ❤
@V00doo Thank you. The same for you. 🧡

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