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Tough week

I feel like all my posts now talk about my woes 🤢.

But this has been especially annoying.

Monday last week the office was freezing.

So much so my dog who I brought with me was shivering in his travel crate.

I convinced my manager to allow me to bring in a fan heater since they weren't prepared to buy one.

As the week progressed people routinely left the main door open on me and the sodding draft kept blowing in from the vents. But like a trooper I kept going in.

Friday, I made some lemon and ginger to drink, my throat was feeling odd from maybe Wednesdays and I'd been sneezing on/off. From then on, the cold set in!

Just a mere two weeks ago I was off the whole week sick.
But I'm back to square one.


My partner has been here with me helping me with everything and I mean everything.

Mum came round on Sunday to help him out with the Sunday dinner which was nice.

While I have had time to just rest and recover.

I know I complain that he doesn't use his initiative but I think this time he really pulled his socks up.

Unfortunately now though, he's sick.

He knows I'm well enough to be able to walk the dog etc. So I told him to go home. Not because I can't look after him. But because he say's he doesn't want me catching it again since I'm in my 3rd trimester.

I've sent him home with lemsip, packet tissues, soups and chilli.

He lives with his sister so she can help at least prepare his soup. So he doesn't have to move around too much.

At this particular period of time it's really helped me see him in a different light.

I've been worried about whether he's able to step up and he's done well.

When he leaves I always feel sad, but these past 5 days have made it harder.

No one's perfect but I really appreciate the effort and care.
4meAndyou · F
I'm sorry you've become ill. I have had a cold for about 3 weeks now, and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I hope and pray that YOU can shake your cold, and that you and your baby stay healthy and well.
4meAndyou · F
@Mellowgirl Thank you...and...

JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou feel better soon!
4meAndyou · F
@JohnnyNoir Thank you!!!
Lilymoon · F
He sounds like a keeper 😊

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