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Need to put this out there. Need to document it

I think my sister hates me because I have a job and she doesn't. She's been calling me names, saying that I hate her and wish bad things on her... she said she hopes those bad things happen to me, that I hope she never gets a job and how come I got a job faster...
I think it's a sign I should be more selfish. If people want to wreck their lives, who am I to try to save them ?
I don't hate her but it hurts when she does this
I came home just wishing for a quiet night. Now it's 3am and it doesn't look like I'm going to get any sleep anytime soon. That's why I hate coming home. I should leave but I don't know where to go or how to leave (no, it's not as easy as packing your bags, moving out and visiting once in a blue moon). Anyway, I just wanted to vent. I'm not the only one who hates her life. My mom hates her life, my sisters hate their life, my father hates his life, my brothers are the only ones who seem just discontent but not in full hatred mode. This way of life gives me a lot of stress, I often find myself rocking back and forth
One day it'll end. I comfort myself by telling myself that one day life will end
smiler2012 · 56-60
@nothereforpeople 🤔i am sad too say you can ut this down too petty jealous sibling rivalary a think i find more between two sister as in your case
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Dysfunctional family
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Tell her to get over herself 🤷🏾‍♂️

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